What Do You Know About Yellow Tea?

Yellow tea is one of the six tea categories, which becomes increasingly rare in China. Then how much do you know about yellow tea? We will briefly introduce the yellow tea to you.

What We Need for a Tea Party

The tea party comes from normal life but carries deeper meaning. The design of a tea party should not be the same. It can be traditional or fashionable, and it becomes more pleasing after processing through creativity.

Why Some Expensive Teas Come Out “Weak” Taste?

The strong taste cannot represent the good quality of tea and the weak flavor also doesn’t mean worthless. Therefore a real good tea relies on its fullness and mellowness along with sweet, mouth-watering true aftertaste.

The Tea Pluckers’ One Day

While you drink your cup of tea, have you ever thought who pick the tea for you? Are you curious about the tea pluckers life? Now TeaVivre will introduce to you.

Comparing Spring Tea and Autumn Tea

There is a common saying “drink Spring tea for liquor texture and drink Autumn tea for fragrance”. This means that spring tea gives a very delicate and tender taste while autumn tea gives a better flavor.

Why Does Tea Have Sweet Aftertaste?

As we all know, tea is bitter in nature, but we still can taste its sweet aftertaste. This is not only due to the contrast of taste between the entrance and the aftertaste, and a series of complex transformations in our mouth, but also thanks to some specific substances in tea.

The Methods of Plucking Tea

How is tea harvested? There are two main methods of plucking tea: plucking tea by hand and plucking tea by machine

Butter Tea

Butter tea, know as Po Cha, is a traditionally made with yak butter, brick tea and salt, which plays an indispensable part of Tibetan life.

What’s the Fuzz on Tea Leaves ?

Pekoe is the fuzz on the tea bud, also named as tea hair and often present on the young shoots of tea tree, which is rich in nutrients such as theanine and tea polyphenols. In general, it plays as an important indicator of tea tenderness in many cases.

Caffeine-Free Tea and Decaffeinated Tea

We are often been asked by tea lovers about the caffeine content of tea. Some says that they can’t drink tea with high caffeine content or ask what tea has no caffeine. Teas from Camellia sinensis are all contain caffeine. However, there are also some advanced technologies to remove some caffeine from tea, thus making a kind of Decaffeinated Tea. There is also a type of tea that is completely free of caffeine, such as Herbal Tea and Fruit Tea.