Miracle Weight Loss Tea from China – How Pu-erh Tea Can Help You Shed Pounds

A unique form of tea, named after the town of Pu-erh in Yunnan province, that has a completely different processing method,and usually taste, to other teas. Pu-erh tea helps you to lose weight by helping to increase the speed of digestion. And the best way to see results in losing weight using Pu-erh tea is to combine your Pu-erh tea with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise.

The Reading Guide

The Healthy Beverage Can Do a Great Favor to Help Weight Loss Easily

Pu-erh tea is a kind of healthy beverage, which not only has a long history of Chinese Tea, but can help us reduce fat and lose weight. The cooked ripe puerh tea can keep the stomach fit and warm it, while the fresh raw puerh tea has a better effect on weight loss than the cooked tea, on account of its strong taste.

As for the ripened pu-erh tea, pile fermentation must be mentioned. It was successfully experimented by Yunnan tea factory in 1973 and made a great contribution to the reputation of pu’er tea. The core technique cannot be exposed in public, which has been a hot topic discussed in part time.

Simply speaking, pile fermentation is the process of chemical reaction between beneficial bacteria and sunlight-dried primary tea by fermenting. It can make the fresh-cut sunlight-dried primary tea become soft and have a mild taste. It also can make pu’er tea have a mellow and rich taste. In the mysterious process of pile fermentation, what happens on earth?

From the microcosmic perspective, there are such main microorganisms in the mysterious process of pu’er tea’s pile fermentation: Aspergillus niger, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Aspergillus gloucus, Saccharomyces, and Bacterium.

Since Rhizopus’s amylase activity is relatively high, it can produce organic acid and fragrant Ester. The propagation of Rhizopus relates to the softening of tea leaves in pile fermentation. It also can help pu’er tea be sticky and smooth, rich and mellow.

In the process of pu’er tea pile fermentation, the antagonism among microorganisms results in the fact that there are a few bacteria and no disease-causing germs. The mass propagation of Saccharomyces and Mycetes can limit the growth of germs. Meanwhile, the domestic and foreign researches indicate that Tea Polyphenol can limit the propagation and growth of such germs that are pestilent to human beings and animals.

Proper Drinking Time of Pu-Erh is the Utmost Importance to Help Lose Weight

Pu-erh tea has been touted for many years as a great weight loss tea because of its ability to help us burn fat and shed pounds, as well as having a deliciously mellow and deeply earthy flavor.

Yixing Teapot Brew Teayixing_teapot_brew_tea_mobile

Drinking Pu-erh tea at the correct times will help you shed unwanted pounds by helping your body to metabolize fat. If you drink Pu-erh at the wrong times, it is said that it will actually cause you to gain weight instead. The best time to drink a cup of Pu-erh tea for weight loss goals is one hour after a meal, so that the Pu-erh tea can remove excess grease and help your body eliminate unwanted and leftover, hard-to-digest fats. However if you drink Pu-erh half an hour or so before you eat a meal it will cause the opposite effect and can cause you to gain weight instead because when you drink Pu-erh tea before a mean it clears up the fat deposits in your body and any residue in the stomach so that it actually increases your appetite, causing you to eat more.

Ideally, to lose the most weight using Pu-erh tea, you should drink Pu-erh tea all throughout the day without adding any other Chinese tea or drinks to your diet besides Pu-erh tea. If you do this the weight loss effects will be the most noticeable.

The Best Ways to Use Pu-erh Tea to Lose Weight


1. First, you should always tailor your diet to your own body, and instead of trying to lose a lot of weight quickly, you should lose weight the healthy way by gradually losing weight over a longer period of time. Like many other traditional methods of weight loss, drinking Pu-erh tea to lose weight takes persistence and determination as you may not see the effects immediately, but you will notice an increase in your energy levels, overall well-being and eventually, weight loss.

2. While you are trying to lose weight while drinking Pu-erh tea, be sure to eat small, healthy foods such as salads, fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the day, but should restrain from taking supper. Once you have reached your weight goal, you can resume your normal diet slowly while continuing to drink Pu-erh tea to maintain your figure.

3. As with any weight loss program, the best way to see results in losing weight using Pu-erh tea is to combine your Pu-erh tea with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. When you begin drinking Pu-erh tea for weight loss, you may feel hunger pangs which you should ease with fresh fruits, salads or raw vegetables. After your stomach begins to get used to your diet you will not feel the hunger pangs.

Puerh Tea InfusionsPuerh Tea Infusions

The color changes of ten infusion of Ripe Puerh Tea

Does Pu-erh tea seem to make you feel hungry?

Some people wonder why drinking Pu-erh tea seems to make you feel hungry at times. This is because the digestion time for different foods vary greatly inside your body. Carbohydrates are the most easily digested and are using digested by the stomach within an hour after eating your meal. Proteins take slightly longer than carbohydrates to be digested, taking up to two hours for full digestion and finally fat is the slowest to be digested by your body after a meal. In fact your body can take up to three or four hours after you’ve eaten a meal to completely digest the fat from that meal.

Pu-erh tea helps you to lose weight by helping to increase the speed of digestion. Pu-erh tea will accelerate the movement of fat from the stomach to the colon without giving the fat time to be absorbed by the body. Pu-erh can also help you to lose weight in many other ways besides increasing the speed of digestion. If drinking Pu-erh tea causes you to feel hungry, then you are burning fat in your body at that time, which is one of the physical effects of drinking tea. If this happens, have your three proper meals, however control your appetite as best as you can, and try not to eat fatty foods as Pu-erh tea can only remove so much residue and fat in your stomach and digestive organs.

Raw Puerh Tea LiquorRaw Puerh Tea Liquor

Brew method can have some effects for you

Remember that the proper proportion of tea to water is generally 1 gram of tea per 50 milliliters of water.? In the above example we chose to use 2 grams of Pu-erh tea, so the water was approximately 100 milliliters.? Since Pu-erh tea only steeps for a very short period of time, you only need to steep the first cup for about 15 to 20 seconds. Each time you re-brew the leaves, simply add another 15-20 seconds of brewing time for each additional brewing of the leaves.

Choosing a proper Yixing Clay Teapot for your favorite tea is also one of the most important aspects to reveal outstanding characteristics of your tea. No matter you are addict or just a novice to Yixing Teapot. Get more information about How to Choose a Proper Yixing Teapot for a Single Type of Tea.

There are many different types of Pu-erh tea, and each type can be steeped multiple times.? The higher grades of Pu-erh tea can be brewed up to ten times, and each time you will gain the health benefits of the Pu-erh tea.

How to Drink Pu-erh Tea to Lose Weight

1. If you are drinking Pu-erh tea strictly for weight loss reasons and to maintain a good figure, you should replace all other drinks with Pu-erh tea each day. Drink the Pu-erh tea instead of soup or water, never indulging in other drinks, however you may eat food as you normally do.

2. As well as the above suggestions, if you are trying to lose weight using Pu-erh tea, you should also make yourself a cup of Pu-erh tea in the middle of the night and drink it without eating anything for breakfast the next morning. This method can greatly accelerate weight loss.

3. If you are at a party or social affair and wish to keep an eye on your weight, you may drink Pu-erh tea during your meal. However if that is not convenient at the time, drink the Pu-erh tea as soon as you can following your meal so that the fat burning capabilities of the Pu-erh tea can eradicate any residual fats or toxins from your stomach.

Ripe Puerh Tea LiquorRipe Puerh Tea Liquor

Start Your Tour of Pu-erh

Effects of losing weight by drinking teas performs slowly. Your favorite flavor is also lowly formed by thousands of tastes of different teas. That’s how we said quantity breeds quality. If you are fresh of Pu-erh tea, you should know well about it before your first brew, like Pu-erh can be divided into Raw Pu-erh and Ripe Pu-erh. These two kinds present varying flavor and color because of the mysterious craft of “Wodui” (pile-fermentation). The article Understanding the Difference between Raw Pu-erh Tea and Ripe Pu-erh Tea will help you to know Pu-erh based on the learning of the difference between Raw Pu-erh and Ripe Pu-erh.

Taste of Flavor

Most people indicated of being unused to the special flavor of Pu-erh. For the first try of Pu-erh, it will taste very different from Green tea and Oolong tea. The flavor is formed during the process of Wodui (pile-fermentation). Here TeaVivre will explain to you what Wodui is and how it works. Wodui, the pile-fermentation, refers to ferment tea leaves by piling them up. To cover a fabric on the pile, pour water on it and heat up the temperature will speed up its process of fermentation. Microbes which produced during the fermentation will cause chemical reaction, and then bring the special earthy and fishy taste into finished teas. If it’s your first attempt of Pu-erh, the taste may confuse you – it is not so easily acceptable. Actually it is the normal flavor of Pu-erh. We suggest you to start with mini Tuo cha or loose Pu-erh, then gradually adapt to the flavor.

Tips: mini tuo cha needs rinsing twice. Use a small amount of water that just cover over the teas for rinsing. The video below will show you how to brew Pu-erh tea.

View of Appearance

Pu-erh has the most varied shape in the six major species of teas, including mini Tuo cha, cakes, bricks, and gourd-shape. We know that the methods of storage will influent teas’ aroma and flavor. That’s why Pu-erh is made into different shapes – for better storage. It could be imagined that if Pu-erh is exposed to the air or not well-kept, how weakened it will be of its weight-losing effects or its flavor. For example, cakes after pressing, airs in it will be removed, and spaces between tea leaves will be smaller. Therefore the procedure of oxidation will slow down. More kinds of Pu-erh could be tried if you want to know more about it.

Pry Pu-erh Cake Tea

Tips: Tea Pin or Knife will be needed for breaking a tea cake or brick. They should be dug bit by bit into big pieces so that the leaves will be in full shape and looks more beautiful when brewed. We’d like to show you a video about How to Properly Loosen and Pry Pu-erh Tea.

Admire of Liquor

There are four methods of diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine: to look, to listen, to question, to feel. So are the teas. When we drink teas, there are four steps we could follow: to look, to smell, to sip, to taste. Take Green tea as example, which is also helpful green tea for weight loss:
To look the color: green and bright
To smell the aroma: fresh and high aroma
To sip the liquor: soft and smooth
To taste the tea: sweet after-taste and long fragrance

More or less, every kind of tea has sweet after-taste. Life is like a cup of tea: after suffering comes happiness. I think this should be the best words for describing tea. Let’s go back to Pu-erh. Raw Pu-erh, not pile-fermented, has strong and heavy flavor even for first sip, which is contrast to Ripe Pu-erh. What’s more, the sweet after-taste of Raw Pu-erh is also heavy.

Good production comes from good origins. If you want good Pu-erh tea, you should pay attention to its year and origin place. Fengqing and Mengku in Yunnan are famous Pu-erh producing regions. Local residents are well acquainted with Raw Pu-erh and Ripe Pu-erh, and know how to choose good Pu-erh. We have looked up many documents and summarized five key points which determine Pu-erh tea’s quality: origin place, years of tea trees, picking time, level and storage method. These information could be checked here: What are Essentials for Puerh Tea Quality.

If you enjoyed this article, you might also like to read the following articles:

Let’s Learn and Share: Green Tea Weight Loss

Health Benefits and Usages of Matcha Green Tea

Explore the Treasure for Health Benefits – Marvelous Chinese Pu-Erh Tea

  • I got the pureh tea bags….is that’s OK to used

    • TeaVivre

      Thanks for your message.
      The qualified factories will use the safety grade bags to package the teas. If you know the manufacturer well, you needn’t worry about it too much.
      Hope it helps.

  • i have bought a lot of different types of green tea over the yrs and yes i do feel better but yet no weight loss what makes pu-erh any better than all the other green teas on the market and how long has the chinese known about this tea and what it can do

    • TeaVivre

      Thanks for your questions.
      Almost all the teas have effect on weight loss. And the Pu-erh should be the most famous one. Chinese have more than 3000 years history to use Pu-erh tea. At that time, it still not been named Pu-erh.
      Pu’erh tea can help us to remove excess grease and help your body eliminate unwanted and leftover, hard-to-digest fats, it also can soften our blood vessels, and benefit to lower cholesterol. The effects brought about by drinking tea vary with each individual. Keeping on drinking pu-erh tea for a long time and exercising regularly is a wise way to lose weight.
      Hope it helps.

  • I just purchased the pu-erh tea to help with weight loss. Is this also good for High Cholesterol??

    • TeaVivre

      Hi, Penny! Thanks for your question.

      Pu’erh tea can help us to remove excess grease and help your body eliminate unwanted and leftover, hard-to-digest fats, it also can soften our blood vessels, and benefit to lower cholesterol.

      Hope it helps and if you have any question, please feel free to contact us.

  • Thanks for the answers to my earlier questions! 🙂 I’ve got one more;

    Is it ok to store puerh in glass jars?

    • TeaVivre

      Hi, Nedeli, thanks for your question.

      The pu’erh tea is better store in cool, dry place, and should be away from sunlight, keep ventilated. So we reccomend you store it in the opaque containers.

      If you want to store puerh in glass jars, just remember to keep it from sunlight.

      Thanks for your support, and if you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

  • Hi,

    I am so used to drinking water, morespecially in the morning and at the gym. Are you saying that I should not drink water when drinking this tea, I mean pure water?

    • TeaVivre

      Hi Charity, thanks for your question.

      If you want to lose weight by drinking pu’erh tea, and want a more obvious effect, it’s better to drink pu’erh instead of other drinks.

      Besides, it’s ok to drink water, and drink pu’erh tea one hour after meals.

      Hope it helps, and if you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

  • Thank you so much for all the information on this amazing tea.

    My question is about how to store the tea leaves between uses. I usually brew the then and then just leave the wet leaves in the strainer for the whole day. But what should you do exactly? Also, is it ok to drink the same leaves through the whole 12 hours of the day? And have the wet leaves sit on the strainer in the open the whole time?

    Also, why is it hard to find organic puerh tea? What happens in the process so that it will not be organic? Are the pesticides/chemicals used dangerous for the body especially after drinking the tea for years and years?

    • TeaVivre

      Hi Nedeli, thanks for your question.

      1. Usually, the tea leaves which are not finishing brewing can leave on the strainer for next steep. And it is ok to same leaves in a day. But the longer we brew the tea, the polyphenols and other substances will come out more.
      2. Besides, it’s better to close the lid of the strainer. And as for the tender tea leaves, such as green tea or white tea, you can close the lid after the inside temperature in the teapot cooling down, in order to keep the leaves fresh.
      3. The tea which meet the standards of organic will go through more strict test, so the content harmful substances is small, and will not cause harm to our body. The original tea bush of Pu-erh tea usually grows in high altitude mountains, and the living environment there is ecological and natural for there is not too much artificial intervention. Therefore, we usually don’t need to concern too much about whether the materials reach the organic standards.

      Teavivre has found two types of organic Pu’erh for our customers who pursuit for the real organic healthy, and maybe you could try them!

      Hope it helps, and if you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

  • naturally appreciate your web-site however, you must check this punctuational with many of your content regularly. A lot of them are generally filled with transliteration concerns we to locate this pretty bothersome in all honesty nevertheless I will unquestionably revisit again.. Gifts for Dad

    • TeaVivre

      Thank you for your feedback.
      We are glad to hear that you like our site and we pleased to share tea information to you all.
      Sorry for the inconvenience of transliteration to you. We usually will mark the Chinese Pinyin next to the English word. Sometimes, there is no exact english words for the Chinese words, we can only fill with transliteration.
      Thank you again for your support and we will update our article when we have more clear information.

  • Hey just a question, don’t know if this was asked already, but if it essentially just makes it so your body doesn’t absorb the fat, what about healthy fats like omega-3?

    • TeaVivre

      Thanks for your question.

      Pu-erh tea can remove excess grease and help our body eliminate unwanted and leftover, hard-to-digest fats. So the healthy fats or other necessary nutrients will not effected by the tea.

      But we still need to drink appropriately.

      Hope it helps.

  • Hi,

    I once tried chinese tea from my Boss House, i never had the chance to ask what kind of TEa they served. However i super liked it. this Tea doesnt have any taste and smell., its like i am only drinking water. Can you help me identify which is this kind of tea from those tea varieties. Thanks in advance

    • TeaVivre

      Thanks for your question.

      I’m sorry that it’s a little hard for us to figure out what tea it is according to the information.

      Would you please provide more details about the tea you’ve tasted? Such as the appearance of the tea leaves or the color of the tea liquid.

      If you could remember any other information, please feel free to contact [email protected].

      We are willing to help you to look for this tea.

      Hope it helps.

  • Hello,
    I have high blood pressure using asomex D med and have poly cyst ovarian syndrome using metformin as well can i use this tea

    • TeaVivre

      Thanks for your question.
      The pu-erh don’t bad effect to person. And usually it don’t produce harmful substances if we don’t take pill in 2 hours before or after we drink teas.
      We must inform you that the tea have drug resistance, you’d better don’t drink to much tea per day.
      It would be better to consult the professional advice from the doctors if needed.
      Hope it helps

  • I love this tea, But I have a mild case thyroid can I still lose weight with this tea?

    • TeaVivre

      Thank you for your question.
      Pu-erh doesn’t have too much effect on the mild case thyroid. Usually we just need use less tea leaves for each cup.
      In order to avoid unexpected incident, You’d better ask your doctor give you some suggestions. Due to we don’t know the specific situation and what pills do you take for the mild case thyroid.
      Hope it helps.

  • After I reach my goal of losing weights, should I continue drinking it or stop drinking it?

    • TeaVivre

      Thanks for your question.
      Pu-erh tea can remove excess grease and help body eliminate unwanted and leftover, hard-to-digest fats.
      Once you reach the goal, It would not fat again soon when you stop it like the weight loss pills. However, if you daily diet contained too much fats than you need, you’d better continue drinking it.
      Hope it helps.

  • Hi, my question is when drinking the tea how many pounds do you think a person is going to lose in month?

    • TeaVivre

      Thanks for your question.

      Drinking pu-erh can benefit for people to lose weight, but it doesn’t equal to pills. It’s effect is not that obvious, and vary from person to person. So, we can not tell the exact numbers of the pounds one can lose in a month.

      Pu-erh tea can remove excess grease and help your body eliminate unwanted and leftover, hard-to-digest fats. So if you do some exercise while drinking this tea, the effects may be more obvious.

      Hope it helps.

  • I recently bought the pu-ehr loose leaf. my goal is to loose weight. I exercise 5 times a week and i maintain a clean diet. Im hoping that this tea will help expedite the process. Since i exercise a lot, drinking water is essential to stay hydrate. now I’m worried since you mention is better not to drink anything else. Is that including my morning coffee and water thru out the day. So just to be sure and avoid gaining weight. I drink a cup before breakfast, 1/2 hr after lunch and 1/2 after dinner correct? thank you

    • TeaVivre

      Hello, aileen!

      Thanks for your question.

      Your method is good.

      In the morning you can drink ripened pu-erh to warm up your stomach. After one hour of the midday meal, take a cup of raw pu-erh to remove fat and calorie absorbed from the food, and one hour after supper drink another cup of ripened pu-erh.
      In this way the pu-erh tea can help more in losing weight, in the mean time it will work in a healthier effect.

      And if you want to lose weight by drinking Pu’re tea, it is better to replace all other beverages including water. But its effect vary from person to person, it is not medicine after all.

      So just use the methods which is best suitable for yourself.

      Hope it helps.

  • Is loose leaf ok for weight loss from the reasons shop

    • TeaVivre

      Thank you for your question.
      Yes. it’s ok. In fact, it’s not the most important thing for you to buy tea from reasons shop or online.
      If you want to lose weight by drinking tea. You should choose a tea based on its effectiveness, Green, black and Puerh are good choices.
      There are some tips about lose weight by drinking tea.
      A good habit of rational diet can help you lose weight;
      Do not drink in one hour after meal;
      Combining work and break: Take enough exercise.
      Hope it helps.

  • I have ibs am drinking tea 3x a day ibs has worsened and I gained weight instead of loosening ambitions drinking tea the right way or too much

    • TeaVivre

      Thanks for your question.

      Tea is a very popular beverage in the world, which is famous for its health benefits. However, everything should in moderation, even to tea. Because drink too much tea, as with overindulgence of any kind, can bring negative consequences. Here we kindly suggest you drink 4-5 cups of day instead of 3x cups.

      It is said that some Natural Remedies can give us relief when symptoms attack. You may consider these herbal tea to make them part of your day and enjoy the benefits:

      Chamomile Herbal Tea
      Mint Herbal Tea
      Fennel tea
      Ginger tea and so on.

      Hope it helps.

  • You said i have to. Replace all other drink including water so its for the whole period which i will be using this tea

    • TeaVivre

      Thanks for your review.

      If you want to lose weight by drinking Pu’re tea, it is better to replace all other beverages including water.

      Here is a drinking method you could reference:

      Morning: a cup of pu’er (about 500ml) before breakfast.
      But the cup of tea should be weak tea, or it may easily getting tea drunk. And it should be ripened pu’er.
      Efficacy is: relax, catharsis, promote metabolism.

      Noon: half an hour after lunch (about 500ml)
      Drink moderate concentration of hot tea, better drink it slowly.
      Efficacy: Scrape oil of Intestine.

      Evening: half an hour after dinner (about 500ml)
      Drink the same concentration tea with noon, and drink it hot.
      Efficacy: Scrape oil of Intestine.

      Of course, if your stomach is not so good, it is better drink ripened pu’er.

      Hope it helps.

  • Nice article about tge tea seems to work now my question is how does this exessive fat get removed out of the body through what ways too much unrinating,sweat,or diahorea and
    I have a very big tummy wuth a large lower abdomen and thus what i want to loose will the right intake of tea will help my provider says i can use one pletlet fir a litter of water whether hot or cold i can take? Is that true if not plse tell me what to do before paying my money off.
    Sorry for many questions

    • TeaVivre

      Thanks for your question.

      If you want to get the best result of weight loss by drinking pu-erh tea, here I kindly suggest you try to do some exercise as well as having a good eating habit.

      Generally, all the pu-erh tea have the function of weight loss, including raw and ripe pu-erh. But if you have some stomach problems, here I suggest trying some ripe
      pu-erh because it can help to protect stomach.

      Hope it helps.

  • How to order

    • TeaVivre

      Thanks for your question.

      If you’re interested in drinking Pu-erh for weight loss and health benefits, you can view the product information via: https://www.teavivre.com/all-pu-erh-tea/

      Pu-erh can be divided into Sheng(raw) and Shu (ripened). As for the weight loss function, raw pu-erh works quicker than ripened pu-erh, however it is a little stimulating for stomach; while ripened pu-erh can protect your stomach but may cause inner heat in your body.

      Hope it helps.

  • Hi is it ok to add organic honey to the tea? I like my tea a little more sweet. Will it reduce its effectiveness? Thanks

    • TeaVivre

      Thanks for your question.

      I do think you can add honey as an additional ingredient into tea. Honey is rich in minerals, which tastes quite delicious when adding it. It’s said that long-term drinking of pu-erh tea with honey can anti-colds too. Here I also suggest you build a good eating habits and do some exercise, then you’ll get the best results that expected.

      Hope it’s helpful.

  • where did I get this pu-erh tea, I need it very urgent, or help me to lose weight in 2 months its urgent please help.

    • TeaVivre

      Thanks for your question.

      Pu-erh tea has been touted for many years as a great weight loss tea because of its ability to help us burn fat and shed pounds, as well as having a deliciously mellow and deeply earthy flavor. However, drinking teas for weight loss is a long-term process, you’d better combine good diet and do exercise to get the best results.

      If you want to have the best result in 2 months, please ask your doctor to get the professional advices. Hope it’s helpful for you.

  • Where can I buy pureh tea?

    • TeaVivre

      Thanks for your question.

      There’s a lot of pu-erh tea in the market or online and it’s also famous for weight loss health benefits. You can view more details via: https://www.teavivre.com/pu-erh-tea/ , or you can buy it from your local teashops too.

      Hope it’s helpful for you.

  • If I drink this tea in the evening, will it keep me awake?

    • TeaVivre

      Hi Kthy,

      Thank you for your question.
      And tea may make you awake. However, everyone has different reactiong on teas.
      If you want to avoid it, and still want to dirnk in the evening, then I’d like to suggest you drink light tea, and drink at least 2 hours before you go to bed.
      Hope this is helpful to your concern.

  • I have been doing the low carb, high protein method. Which is alot of meat. I would like to try the pu-erh tea but i read above to try not to eat fatty foods. With the low carb hight protein would I be defeating my purpose?

    • TeaVivre

      Hi Jean,
      Thank you for your question.
      When we say pu erh tea can help you lose weight, it is very long process. And in the process, people should keep diet and pay attention to the daily meal. Instead of thinking that Tea can help, and then eat a lot. If this way, then nothing can help.
      You mentioned that you are doing low carb, high protein method. This seems to be a way of losing weight. Hope this works well to you.
      If you back to normal meal, puerh tea may help you lose weight. However, everyone has different reaction to tea.
      I’m not sure if drink tea can still help while you are doing low carb, high protein. If the low carb works, and maybe drink tea is not necessary.
      Hope this is helpful to your concern.

  • Hi I need pureh tea for weight loss but I’m not sure which ones to get as they are so many different types of this tea. I no you said ripened and unripened would suit for weight loss but can you tell me which ones

    • TeaVivre

      Hi Bridgee,
      Thank you for your question.
      Because the same processing steps, the benefits of ripened pu erh teas are the same although there are different ripened pu erh teas. So does the raw puerh tea.
      However, different tea maker, tea tree species and storage years, the taste and aroma of teas are different. So if you are not sure which tea to choose, you’d better try some samples first.
      Hope this is helpful to your concern.

  • Few more questions, if it is not a problem 🙂

    Please advice me, there are so many info in the Internet or even on the tea bags: Shall I brew pu ehr with boiling water? Or little bit colder (95 C)?

    Next case. I usually drink a 1,5 – 2 litres of pu ehr every day. Of course I do it after meals (2 or 3 cups of tea and 40 to 60 minutes after eating). Is the ammount of pu ehr ok?

    Once again best regards from frosty Poland 🙂

    • TeaVivre

      Hi Mike,
      Usually we brew a pu erh tea with boiling water.
      And it’s ok if drink that amount of tea does not cause any problem to you.
      You know, everyone has different reaction to tea. So the amount good to drink is also vary.
      Hope this is helpful to your concern.

  • Dear Sir or Madam,
    Is it correct to drink a cold pu erh? Or it shall be rather warm?
    Best regards.

    • TeaVivre

      Hi Mike,
      Thank you for your question.
      You can drink pu erh tea either cold or warm. However, if you are suffering from bad stomach, you’d better drink it warm.
      Hope this is helpful to your concern.

  • Were do I buy this tea in south africa

    • TeaVivre

      Hi rochelle,

      Thank you for your question.
      For now, Teavivre is a China based online shop. We don’t have stores.
      Maybe you can find a local tea store, and see if they have these teas.
      Or you can purchase on our site.
      Hope this is helpful to your concern.

  • Can you advise as to which Pu erh Tea you recommend for weight loss and to eliminate stored fat. I am currently engaged in exercise and a “lifestyle change” ( 🙂 do not like the word diet) but I am limited to certain exercises due to a condition called diastasis (separation of abdominal muscles). Also, if an order is placed, how long does it take to get to U.S.? Thank you in advance.

    • TeaVivre

      Hi Diane,
      Pu Erh tea can help us burn fat and shed pounds. There are two kinds puerh, ripened and raw.
      Ripened puerh has earthy smell, mellow and thick, and raw puerh is bitter, but generally has a sweet aftertaste. And raw puerh didn’t have ferment process, it may stimulate your stomach, so if your stomach is not strong enough, I’d like to suggest you try ripened puerh.
      There are samples on our site, maybe you try some samples and find your favorite.
      Besides drinking tea, you still need to pay attention to your daily meal, and some do exercise as you can.
      And we have 2 ways to ship to US, they are China Pot Air Mail and USPS.
      China Post Air Mail takes 22-30 day, while USPS takes 6-10 days. Please click this link to get more information.
      Hope this is helpful to your concern.

  • Dear sir,
    Can pu erh tea is good for fatty liver and high blood pressure. What tea is better to cure the fatty liver . Please advise.

    • TeaVivre

      Hi zubaidah,

      Thank you for your question.
      Yes, Pu Erh is good for high blood pressure. But constitution of people are varied, and you mentioned the fatty liver and high blood pressure, you’d better ask professional advise from your doctor., that would be better.
      Hope this is helpful to your concern.

  • Sir, I have a doubt on pur eh brewing. I usually boil the tea leaf on gas stove. I use glass kettle to boil the tea. By boiling it each time (around 6 times)do it loose its quality and the nutrition? Is it good to boil the tea or not. Please advise.

    • TeaVivre

      Hi zubaidah,
      Thank you for your question.
      Yes, you can boil the tea on gas stove. However the high temperature will release the nutritional quickly, and the taste will be gone soon.
      And usually we just brew the tea with boiling water. And then we can drink it for many time, until there is no taste.
      And i’d like to suggest you try to brew it with boiling water, and then boil it on the stove when the taste is not strong enough for you.
      Hope this is helpful to your concern.

  • I have an doubt on the tea brewing of pur eh cake. For 5gm tea+(250ml water) how many times I can re brew this tea after I drink the first brew of 250ml ? Can I drink it around 4 times a day. Can pur eh bring down my blood pressure. Please help. Im so confused

    • TeaVivre

      Hi Nisa,
      Thank you for your question.
      To brew 5g puer tea cake in 250 ml water, you can brew it many times until there is no tea taste at all.
      And yes, you can drink around 4 times a day. However, if you are sensitive to the caffeine, please don’t drink to much tea before you go to bed.
      About the benefits of puerh tea, please refer this link: https://www.teavivre.com/info/pu-erh-tea-health-benefits/
      Hope this is helpful to your concern.

  • Sir, I brought this pur eh tea cake and i but do break it to small piece but I don’t understand the exact amount of tea to be used for 250ml water. Can I drink it for the whole day.
    Please advice

    • TeaVivre

      Hello Zubaidah,
      Thank you for your question.
      If you brew a puerh tea cake with 250ml water, you can use about 5 grams tea. And since every one has different preference, you can adjust the tea accordingly, and find the best taste you like.
      And puerh tea can be brewed many times. You can brew and drink it until there is no tea taste at all.
      Hope this is helpful to your concern.

  • I would like to buy Ripened aged loose Pu-erh tea, kindly help me to get the product.

  • dee

    where can I find this ripen Pu erh in New York city

    • TeaVivre

      Hi dee,

      Thank you for your reply. For now, TeaVivre is only a China based online shop, we don’t have local store.
      Maybe you can go to some local tea shop, and see if they are this kind of pu erh tea. Or you can visit our site and buy it.
      Hope this is helpful to your concern.

  • does it come bags.

  • I have bought pu-erh tea leaves from a Chinese store- what is the right procedure to brew- drinking this tea for weight loss


  • Hi,
    I leave in Nairobi Kenya. where can I get this tea? Am gaining weight drastically yet i don’t eat a lot of food.


    • TeaVivre


      Thank you very much for writing to us.
      You can go to the local Chinese tea store to buy this. If you can not find this tea in your local store, you can buy at our website: https://www.teavivre.com.
      Hope this is helpful for you.

  • How many cups can be made from buying one of raw cake tea 2006 : 100gr?

    • TeaVivre

      Dear Joanna-sunet,

      Thank you very much for writing to us.
      Usually we take 10 grams tea to brew a cup of tea, so it can steep 10 times. But 10 grams can be brewed for about 5-8 cups. Hope this is helpful for you.

      Furthermore, if your cup is small, you can also use less teas.

  • i am 21 year old gal and i wanna loose weight.i suffer from increased heart rate problem so drinking pu-erh tea is ok or not??does it contains caffeine?

    • TeaVivre

      Dear Hemakshi,
      Thank you very much for writing to us.
      The tea contains caffeine. Pu-erh tea can be divided into raw pu-erh tea and ripened pu-erh tea. If your stomach is good, you can drink both. But if not, you can drink ripened pu-erh tea. Furthermore, when your stomach is empty, you should not drink any tea. Also when you have medicines, you should not drink tea. More information, you should ask your doctor. Hope this is helpful for you. Wish you will be healthy and happy.

  • I am 73 & I want to get some fat off my stomach. Is it dangerous for me to do drink this tea at my age. Thank You.


    • TeaVivre

      Dear Elizabeth,

      Thank you very much for writing to us.

      I think you’d better ask your doctor if you can drink tea. Hope this is helpful for you. Wish you will be healthy and happy.

  • Please give me your advice 🙂
    How if I drink pu erh tea in the morning before school then I’ll eat nothing except drinking water until 12 am for my lunch without rice, just vegetable and meat then i’ll eat nothing again until afternoon come I’ll eat the same thing like my lunch and i have some workout and treadmill for 30 mnt. Is it okay for losing weight ?

    • TeaVivre

      Dear Tammy,

      Thank you very much for writing to us.
      You’d better do not drink any teas with empty stomach. Drinking Pu-erh tea at the correct times will help you shed unwanted pounds by helping your body to metabolize fat. If you drink Pu-erh at the wrong times, it is said that it will actually cause you to gain weight instead. The best time to drink a cup of Pu-erh tea for weight loss goals is one hour after a meal, so that the Pu-erh tea can remove excess grease and help your body eliminate unwanted and leftover, hard-to-digest fats.
      Hope this is helpful for you.

  • dear m’am,

    pl advise i am 37 years old and 92 kgs.. what type of pu – erh tea i should drink to loose wt. i did under go gall bladder surgery… hope there is no problem….for drink this tea.

    await for your kind reply… thank you

    • TeaVivre

      Dear Aruna,

      Thank you very much for writing to us.
      Actually, Pu-erh tea is divided into raw pu-erh tea and ripened pu-erh tea. If your stomach is good, you can drink both of teas. But if not, you can only drink ripened pu-erh teas. But you said you did under go gall bladder surgery. So you can not drink teas. More information, you can ask your doctor.
      Wish you will be recovery soon and happy every day.

  • Sal

    Hi, I am trying for a baby, but I also need to loose weight for a wedding, can I still drink the tea or will there be any side effects whilst trying to conceive.

    • TeaVivre

      Dear Sal,

      Thank you very much for writing to us.

      Drinking tea for losing weight is long-term process, you also should have a good diet and have exercise. Furthermore, we do not know if it is have any bad effects on this, I think you can ask your doctor. For we know that pregnant woman can not drink tea. Hope this is helpful for your concern.

  • I find this most interesting…. Thank you for putting this on the net,,, and am interested in knowing how to get the tea….

  • where in india will i get this chinese green tea

    • TeaVivre

      Dear sheetal,

      Thank you very much for writing to us.

      Sincerely sorry that we do not know where you can get the Chinese Green Tea in India. Maybe you can go to the local Chinese Tea stores to ask if they have the teas that you wanted. Or you can just shop online at ourwebsite: https://www.teavivre. Hope this is helpful for your concern.

  • Hi dear I drink pu-erh tea every day and time we’ll it help me lose wight? Even before meals

    • TeaVivre

      Dear Shahiema, thank you very much for writing to us. We suggest that do not drink tea before meals or when your stomach is empty. And also you can see these paragraphs: The Best Ways to Use Pu-erh Tea to Lose Weight. I think if you do like that, it will be helpful for you ro lose weight.

  • Do you have some sample of tea?

    • TeaVivre

      Thank you very much for writing to us. Yes, every tea at our website has sample. If you are not sure which tea you like best, you can buy samples, first. Buy the way, you can click our homepage to find all kinds of teas: https://www.teavivre.com.
      Wish you a good day.

  • Living in new Caledonia , please provide any shops here which I can buy this tea …
    I would really love loose weight ..


    • TeaVivre

      Dear Meli, thank you very much for writing to us. I am very sorry that I do not familiar with your place and do not know there are any stores that sell this tea. You can go to your local Chinese tea stores to have a look. But if you still can not find this tea. You can shop online in our website: https://www.teavivre.

  • I would like to buy this tea!
    I live in Port Elizabeth.
    South Africa
    Please let me know where it’s sold?

  • is this tea best for mid waist section? i need 2 loose around my waist. how best cn i use pureh tea!

    • TeaVivre

      Dear Siza
      If you want to lose weight around your waist, You can only take exercise. For tea can not lose weight for a special section.

  • Is there a minimum order of boxes ? Do you ship to the philippines?

  • Can you please tell me which is the best tea to have for bad constipation ?


    • TeaVivre

      Dear May Zreik, I think you can drink the fermented tea, such as black tea or rippened pu-erh. But if your constipation is very bad, you should go to hospital. Hope you will be better.

  • Hi is it safe to drink puerh tea while pregnant and how much should I drink

    • TeaVivre

      My Dear Sam,
      No, please do not drink tea while pregnant.

  • I have a question; your article states,
    “Ideally, to lose the most weight using Pu-erh tea, you should drink Pu-erh tea without adding any other Chinese tea or drinks to your diet besides Pu-erh tea. If you do this the weight loss effects will be the most noticeable.”
    Can you explain why? Black tea has the best AM kickoff, oolong & green tea both tout thermo-genic assistance & even white teas claim health benefits. Why would drinking them, at different times of the day, hinder weight loss from Pu-erh?

    Please advise!!!


    • TeaVivre

      Dear Dave,

      Thank you very much for writing to us.
      First, you should not drink many kinds of teas in one day, for it is harmful to your stomach. Second, all teas have health benifits. The process of making these teas is totally different, so they have different health benifits.

  • Could you tell me how i can place an order for this tea (PU-Erh). I am living in Dubai,UAE

  • can i find this tea in Dubai

    • TeaVivre

      Dear, we do not know if there are any Chinese tea stores to sell this teas in Dubai. If you really want to try this tea and can not find this in your local Chinese stores. You can click our website to buy this kind of teas: https://www.teavivre.com. Wish you a good day.

  • Do you have organic Pu erh tea? That is of great importance to me.

    • TeaVivre

      Dear Beverly, sorry to tell you that we do not have organic Pu-Erh Tea.

  • I have been amazed by how well Pu erh tea has worked for me in weight loss. I will never want to be without it! I drink it all day long! I brew about a gallon at a time and keep in in the refrigerator and drink it iced all summer long. I lost about 20lbs over the summer! I wasn’t even trying to loose much weight, as I didn’t believe it would really work that well. I just love tea, any tea! But now I REALLY love Pu erh!

    • TeaVivre

      Very glad to hear that you have lost your weight by drinking Pu-erh. Hope you will be more and more heathy by drinking teas, rational diet and exercise.

  • I am interested in ordering Pu-erh tea to loose weight to maintain good health.

    Please advice me of your contact address to place orders

  • where can i buy this in the philippines?

    • TeaVivre

      Hello Senendelacruz, very sorry that we are not clear where to get this pu-erh tea in Philippines. You may go to your local tea stores to check. If you cannot find it locally, you may try to purchase it online. We have multiple kinds of pu-erh tea in our online store: https://www.teavivre.com/pu-erh-tea/. Hope this help for you.

  • I will be coming to China by the end of this month. How easy is it to get the tea and which shops store them. Would like to advise on which one to buy for weight loss generally and for tummy. Thanks

    • TeaVivre

      Hi, if it’s in China, you may be able to find pu-erh tea in every tea local tea store. And since each store has very different types of pu-erh, you can ask the shop owner for advices.

  • hi dear, my name is lilian , i’m writing you from italy, i just ordered for the raw pu-erh tea, my question is , is it necessary or compulsory for me to use the tea pot or the cinese kittle called bamboo joint teapot or rong tian yixing zisha teapots to prepare pu-erh tea just as it was indicated on the video i just watched? 2 ) can i boil the water through microwave ? 3) our weather here in italy is getting warm soon , can i drink pu-reh tea little bit warm or cool, not hot like during the wintertime?. pls reply i really want to loss weight. thanks a lot

    • TeaVivre

      Hello Lilian, thank you very much for purchasing with us. For your questions of the pu-erh tea:

      1) Yes it is recommended to use Yixing clay teapot for brewing, as the yixing clay can bring out the pu-erh tea’s flavor and taste much more than other kinds of teapot. But if you don’t have Yixing teapot, you can use procelain gaiwan.

      2) According to our expeience, microwave-boiled water is not suitable for brewing teas. As we have tasted before, the tea brewed with that water lost some flavor slightly.

      3) Yes you can drink the pu-erh tea with warm water. But it is suggested not to drink it too cold unless you have a very strong stomach, because cold tea liquid may be stimulating for stomach.

  • Where in Kenya can I get the tea?

    • TeaVivre

      Hello Marjorie, very sorry that we are not clear where to get this pu-erh tea in Kenya. You may go to your local tea stores to check. If you cannot find it locally, you may try to purchase it online. We have multiple kinds of pu-erh tea in our online store: https://www.teavivre.com/pu-erh-tea/

  • hi
    i need to know that how long will it take to loose weight by this pu-erh tea
    and where can i get it in U.A.E

    • TeaVivre

      Thank you for your inquiry. The effects brought about by drinking pu-erh tea vary with each individual. So how long you can get positive result is not clear. Geneally ,after a long period of drinking and regular exercise, the effects on people who have sensitive autonomic nerve can be obvious.

      Keeping on drinking pu-erh tea for a long time and exercising regularly is a wise way to lose weight.
      And we are not sure where you can get this tea in your country. You can go to local tea house in your city for more information. Hope you can understand.

      All pu-erh teas in our store are authentic and with good reputation. We can ship them worldwide. you can click this link:
      Hope this can be helpful for your concern.

  • Please I am interested to buy Pu-erh tea. I am from Philippines, to be exact from cebu. Can you help me wher i can buy your Pu-erh tea here in my home land? You can email me. I will be glad if you will answer or give me feed back. Thank you…

    • TeaVivre

      Thank you for your question, sorry to tell you that we are not sure where you can get this tea in your country.
      If you have deep love for pu-erh tea, you can browser our webpage for more information. All pu-erh teas in our store are authentic and with good reputation. We can ship them worldwide. you can click this link:
      Hope this can be helpful for your concern.

  • hi, i need this pu-erh tea. pls were can i find it in Africa, Nigeria to be prewcise.

    • TeaVivre

      Thank you for your inquiry, it is very difficult for us to tell you where you can find this tea in Nigeria, hope you can understand it.
      If you want to buy pu-erh tea, you can browser our webpage for more information. All pu-erh teas in our store are authentic and with good reputation. We can ship them worldwide.

      Hope this can be helpful for your concern.

  • I’m new to green tea, after reading these articles is this tea as good as Wu-long tea? With everything I’ve read I am totally confused.

    • TeaVivre

      Yes, green tea is as good as Wu-long tea.
      The tea water of green tea is yellow green color which abounds in Vitamins, while Wu-long tea is semi-fermented tea and is somewhere between green and black tea, whose color is amber.
      Both of which can keep up our spirits. However, each of them has its own special good benefits. The former can reduce blood fat and avoid hardening of the arteries and has much other medicinal value. The notable feature of Wu-long tea is that it can help you to eliminate fatigue, boost your immunity and loss weight and are good for your digestion and breaking down the fats.

  • Have been combining puerh tea with linger and lemon. Is that wrong?

    • TeaVivre

      You can combine pu-erh tea with lemon, both of which can help to produce saliva and slake thirst and accelerate digestion. Also this help to rich the tea’s flavor. But if you drink pu-erh tea for weight loss purpose, then it is not suggested to blent it with other stuffes, including lemon. This may affect its losing-weight function.

  • Okay, sso can we drink water or not? I drink 6-8 glasses a day. I LOVE WATER. Are you saying I can not drink water? And only have 3 glasses of tea?

    • TeaVivre

      Of course, you can drink water as before. The intended meaning of this text that if you want to lose some weight you can drink more pu-erh tea other than water.

    • TeaVivre

      Of course, you can drink water as before. The intended meaning of this text that if you want to lose some weight you can drink more pu-erh tea water than water.

  • I am using pu-erh teabags, and I cannot have caffeine, so I brew a little tea then throw it away, then brew my cup to have less caffeine. Am I still getting benefits of the pu-erh by doing that?

    • TeaVivre

      Yes, there is still benefits in the tea.

  • Hi
    In your article it says to replace puer tea with any other liquid we take , like water and soup
    And u say just 3 times a day 1 hour after we finish our meal
    So … I drink water 7/8 aday , what should i do ? Can i drink puer tea 10 times a day ?


    • TeaVivre

      If you are new to pu-erh tea, it is suggested to drink not more than 3 cups each day. It is important to give you body some time to get with pu-erh tea. If you keep 3 cups a day as a habit, then gradually you can increase to 4 or 5 cups a day. But it is better not to drink too much. The recommended amount for a day is less than 1000ml tea liquid.

  • yes I jus bought this tea in tea bags Yunnan pu erh tea does it do the same as the main root
    same effects

    • TeaVivre

      Hello Tammy, yes Pu-erh tea bags also works. But mostly, the tea leaves in tea bags are not as good as the tea leaves of pu-erh cakes. So it may not have the same good effects as cake tea. But you can still keep drinking it.

  • Hi. I have bought this pu er tea powder, I need to losse weight how many times a day to have and also how to take it.

    • TeaVivre

      Hello, you can take it after meal, three times a day.

  • At my work place I am not able to brew tea after lunch.Could I brew tea in the morning and store in the thermos for lunch time.

    • TeaVivre

      Hi Juanita, yes you can store the tea liquid in thermos, but better without tea leaf in the liquid. And it is suggested to finish the liquid as soon as you can, because the liquid will lose aroma and nutrition as time passing by.

  • Hi how much is this tea in GBP.? And how much do you actually lose in a week.,?

    • TeaVivre

      Hello Iram, we have different types of pu-erh on our site of different price. You can check the exact price via this link: https://www.teavivre.com/pu-erh-tea/

      Drinking pu-erh tea to lose weight is a slow process. So it is not sure how much weight you can lose in a week. But it is a healthier way for losing weight. That’s why we recommend it in the article. If you want to use pu-erh tea to lose weight, it’s suggested to keep it as a daily habit, meanwhile take frequent exercise.

  • Hi, I would like to know, how long does Fengqing Raw Pu-erh Cake Tea 2006 Paddy Flavor and Fengqing Golden Buds Ripened Pu-erh Cake Tea 2005 last. next question is do u break cake all at once or when ready to brew. Thank you for your information.Good Day

    • TeaVivre

      Hi Selena, these two pu-erh teas can both be permanently preserved. They need to be stored in dry, ariy and cool place.
      For your second question of breaking the cake, you can do in the way that is more convenient for you. Yet normally, if you break the cake at once, the leaves may be oxidized in a quicker speed. But if you keep the leaves properly, the oxidization is avoidable.

  • will drinking using tea bags have the same effect as far as weight loss?
    I’ve found it only in tea bags.

    • TeaVivre

      Hello Elsy, if you keep drinking it for a long time, it can work. But mostly, pu-erh tea in tea bags are not as good as pu-erh cakes. So if possible, it is better to take pu-erh cake.

  • Ill like to know how many of this tea ill need to loose my weight from 120kg to 60kg.also,can this happen in a month plain?finally,is there a store in qater that I can purchase this tea.

    • TeaVivre

      Hi Esther, if you want to lose from 120kg to 60kg, it will need a long period of time by drinking pu-erh tea, which will be longer than a month or two. If you want it happen quickly, you’d better do some exercise and keep on diet.
      If you want to purchase the tea, you can visit our online store: https://www.teavivre.com/pu-erh-tea/

  • Is there any side effect if taken too much of pu-erh and wat about the best age for drinking pu-erh

    • TeaVivre

      Hi Liotrede, pu-erh tea doesn’t have side effect, unless you are tea drunk. And often the symptoms of tea drunk only lasts for several hours, and will not affect your health. So you may not worry about it. For your second question, pu-erh tea is a tea that is suitable for all ages.

  • val

    I want to make order box I don’t know where can i order that thank you very much

  • Pls where can I buy this tea

  • Pls how do I order and does it stop you from sleeping cos the one I have gives me migrane which I neva heard but I want to loose weight especially my tommy fat so pls advice me thnk you

    • TeaVivre

      Hello aisha, if you want to buy this tea, you can choose one from here.
      If you are new to pu-erh teas, it may cause sleeplessness. But you may not worry about it. You can adjust the drinking time to avoid this happening. When you just start to drink tea, you can just drink it in the morning. This can help you keep refreshing in the day. Do not drink it after evening meal since it . When your body gradually get used to pu-erh teas, which often takes 2 or 3 weeks, you can drink the tea at the time we recommened in the article.

  • not sure if this is the correct tea but is this tea also known as The Secret Tea?

    • TeaVivre

      Hello letty, it is interesting that there is a tea named The Secret Tea. Yet we are not sure what tea it is. But according to our knowledge, pu-erh tea is qualified to be called as a secret tea, since the tea’s making, flavor and aroma are distinctive from other teas.

  • Can you add stevia to pu-erh without compromising the “losing weight purpose”?

    • TeaVivre

      Yes you can add stevia, or other sweetening agents, if you do not drink pu-erh for losing weight.

  • Where can I buy this tea sounds great!I want to lose weight so I can be healthier and feel great.

    • TeaVivre

      We offer different kinds of Pu-erh teas. I recommend you to try the Pu-erh teas as follows:
      Fengqing Raw Pu-erh Cake Tea 2006 Paddy Flavor
      Fengqing Ancient Tree Spring Chun Jian Raw Pu-erh Cake Tea 2012

      Or you can choose yourself by visiting this link:

      In the same time, to keep fit requires you to keep reasonable diet and do exercise regularly.

  • I have purchased Pu-Erh tea bags. It states it is 100% young pu-erh tea leaves. By prince of peace. I brew the tea bags in my coffee maker and keep brewing until it becomes light in color. And then transfer it into a gallon container. I do it several times to fill the gallon container. then i can drink it throughout the day into the next day. Is Its pretty strong but it doesnt bother me and I really dont feel hungry. I do not use anything else to flavor it. Is it ok to do this, or should I just do a couple cups at a time.

    Is there any benefit drinking it hot or cold?

    Thank you

    • TeaVivre

      It is correct way that drinking tea without adding sugar or milk. But the better to brew Pu-erh tea is by using Gaiwan or Purple Clay (Zi Sha) Teapot. If you do not have these two, glasses or normal teapot can be used. When drinking, brew one cup, finish it, and do not make it too light, thus the effect will be better. If you mix the tea liquor together from different brewing, it will take long time to finish it. But if you do not drink tea liquor for a long time, the beneficial substances in it can prone to change easily. This may affect the effect of losing weight. Hence I suggest you to finish the liquid as soon as possible.

      For the cold tea, the activity of beneficial substances in tea can decrease under low temperature, and this also may influence its effects. So I advise you to drink hot tea.

  • Hi I’m lina I just herd about this weight loss trail weight 287 I really want to get healthy I just want to make sure this is right for me cuz I’m trying to lose a lot of weight very quick

    • TeaVivre

      Hi Lina, drinking pu-erh indeed will do great help for losing weight, but normally it does not work very quick. However, it can help you to lose weight in a healtheir way. Like I said to Caitilin, under the drinking pe-erh tea condition, to keep fit still requires a combination of healthy eating and regular exercise.

  • Hi, How are you, I’m Interested in purchasing the
    Pu-erh tea for weight loss. I read consumers should be careful, because some Pu-erh tea can be high in flouride, and could cause flouride poisoning, Do you know anything about this?

    • TeaVivre

      Hello Beth, in fact there is research shows that the content of fluorine of Pu-erh tea mostly between 80~120mg/kg. It’s in a safe and healthy range.

      Currently there is no other country and international organization in the world to set the limitation standard of fluoride in tea besides China. We have the agricultural industry’s standard issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, which sets a standard of fluoride’s content in Pu-erh cake that should be under 200 mg/kg.

      Though there were rumors about fluorine in Pu-erh tea, but you may not worry about drinking it. Actually it is safe to drink Pu-erh tea and the content of fluorine in Pu-erh tea lower than national standard of China.

  • Hi! I’ve only recently discovered this tea. I’ve been trying to read as much as possible on it. I gained weight last year due to a hormone imbalance. My hormones are back on track but I’m struggling with the weight loss. I have about 20 lbs to lose. I’m interested in trying out puerh tea but I don’t know where to start or what tea to start with. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thank you 🙂

    • TeaVivre

      The ripened pu-erh tea can keep the stomach fit and warm it, not too much bitterness. It is good choice for the beginner. I recommend you Fengqing Golden Buds Ripened Pu-erh Cake Tea 2005, here is the link: https://www.teavivre.com/golden-buds-pu-erh-cake-2005/.

      However the raw pu-erh tea has a better effect on weight loss than the ripened pu-erh tea, but with its strong bitter. Fengqing Raw Pu-erh Cake Tea 2006 Paddy Flavor is good: https://www.teavivre.com/raw-pu-erh-cake-tea-2006/.

      If you can bear the bitterness and have a good stomach, you can start to drink the raw pu-erh tea, otherwise you’d better to try the ripened pu-erh tea first, and after a few days, you can start to drink both the ripened pu-erh tea and raw pu-erh tea, remember not mix them together but drink them at different time. The best time to drink a cup of Pu-erh tea for weight loss goals is one hour after a meal, so that the Pu-erh tea can remove excess grease and help your body eliminate unwanted and leftover, hard-to-digest fats.

      In the meantime, you also should keep the balanced diet and do some exercise regularly.

      Overall, you can lose weight by using these methods. Hope you can succeed.

  • Hi, First off I want to tell you guys that it does work very well I lost 20lbs in 2 weeks. But I got a question a bit off topic how can I tell what year is my pu-erh, any tips? Thank you 🙂

    • TeaVivre

      Glad to hear it helps you! 🙂 Usually, if the production year is not printed on the tea’s package, you can tell whether the pu-erh is newly made or an old tea, depending on the color of the dry tea, the color of tea liquid, and its flavor. The darker the colors are, and the mellower the flavor is, the older the tea is. Even raw puerh will become thicker and mellower after years’ storage. New harvested pu-erh often has stronger taste, especially new raw pu-erh. They could be very astringent.
      Yet for the moment there seems to be no way to tell the exact production year of the pu-erh without its package. But hope this can help you to know more about your pu-erh.

  • I recently bought a box of 100 tea bags, so far I have drank some but how long does it take to work , what are the effects that its working? Do you bowel movements? Thanks

  • Is it ok to drink Pu’erh tea over ice? And how would you make it?

    • TeaVivre

      It’s ok to drink Pu-erh tea iced in summer. But if you drink it for losing weight purpose, or for its health benefits, then iced pu-erh tea will not give a good performance in both the two aspects. Low temperature will restrain the activity of benefitial substances in the Pu-erh tea. Meanwhile, it will not be easy to taste the profound flavor and aroma of Pu-erh tea if you iced it, because all the fragrant and benefitial substances in tea can only be highly dissolved in hot water.
      If you like to have iced tea, you can firstly brew the Pu-erh in normal procedure, and after the tea is made, move the tea liquid in your refrigerator. After 6 – 8 hours, the tea liquid will be iced and you can drink by then. But iced pu-erh will not taste as good as hot tea, you can add a small amount of honey or sugar into it for a better flavor.

  • Vee

    I would like to know if using pu-erh tea bags or pu-erh cakes have any different effects for weight loss. Which one would u recommend I use? N can u explain the process of brewing with each one. I’m confused.

    • TeaVivre

      Hi Vee, it is better to drink pu-erh cake for weight loss purpose, because cake is compressed tea, which can maintain the benefitial substances for a much longer time than pu-erh tea bags. Moreover, usually the tea leaves of pu-erh cake has higher quality than tea bags. So the weight loss effection of pu-erh cake performs better. To brew pu-erh tea cake, you can take a look at our recommended brewing guide of pu-erh cakes: How to Brew an Enjoyable Pu-erh Tea. Hope this is helpful for your questions 🙂

  • MP

    I forgot to ask you one more question, I am also taking magnesium chloride for an other health issue, can I mix the Pu Reh Yuancha Black tea with this virgin mineral?

    Thank you

  • MP

    I just purchased a pu erh cake 10 year, not sure how much I can take per day, and how many ounces per serving? Also I am taking Charithromycin, Omeprazole,and Amoxicillin for the H. Pylori infection, my question is, can I take this tea while taking these medications? How about when you are in your menstrual cycle? please advice, I do need to loose a lot of weight as well, when is the best time to drink the tea, before meals or after for better effect…

    Thank you

    • TeaVivre

      Hi, It is not suggested to drink tea when you’re taking medicines, no matter what kind of medicine. Because some substances in tea liquid may restrain the medicine’s effection, or react to some components in the medicine. It is also not suggested to drink tea during your cycle, as well as other particular periods of women, like beast breeding or pregnancy, which I’ve mentioned in the comments before. If you really need to take the tea, you may try to drink it after two hours of taking your pills, and check if there is any adverse reaction, or if the pills works as usual. If there’s no problem, you can drink a cup of pu-erh tea liquid in the time I recommended. But I still suggest you to ask your doctor for more professional advices.
      One more thing, do exercise is always the most healthy and effective way for losing weight.

  • I bought the Yunnan pu-erh tea from a tea shop loose. Will this be as good as the cake to lose weight?

    • TeaVivre

      Hi connie, usually loose tea’s storage is not as easy as pu-erh cake. It contact more air and water than compressed cake tea, so after a long time the benefitial substances in the loose tea leaves will lose much more than in pu-erh cake. Thus loose tea doesn’t have that much weight loss benefits as compressed cakes, but if you drink it properly, it should still works for losing weight.

  • Hi there, I have read everything so far about your responses to drinking pu-her tea. But yet in the woman’s world magazine a Chinese man is saying to drink 2 cups of the tea while eating and then also have a few cups of tea throughout your day. You are now saying the opposite. I am so confused now. He says that’s why Chinese people are so thin.

    • TeaVivre

      Hello Simone, in fact not all Chinese people drink tea. We are thin because of evolution and environment. We have smaller skeleton and our body can store less fat rather than western people who live in colder areas.We suggest not to drink tea while eating because tea liquid will thin your stomach juice, which may cause indigestion. It’s better to take the Pu-erh tea after 1 hour after eating your meal.

  • Hello,
    I just purchased a Pu’er tea from shanghai merchant, it wasnt all compressed together but the pieces are pretty big so i wanna know if you can tell me that it is the right one am drinking. Also i do workout (pretty intense cardio workout) is it good if i have it after my workout to help relax my muscles and burn more fat or it wont help at all?


    • TeaVivre

      Hi Sally, according to your description, I ‘m not quite sure about what kind the pu-erh is of. But if you can taste pure and mellow taste from it, meaning its good quality, it should work. And very glad to hear that you do workout. This is very good for losing weight. But it is not suggested to drink pu-erh tea after sports. Because after doing exercises, your heart is under heavy burden to ensure your body getting enough oxygen. However, teas contain large amount of theophylline and have caffeine, especially heavy teas, which will stimulate the heart to work harder. Thus it may cause bad effect to your health. So if you want to drink pu-erh tea after workout, it’s better to wait for 1 to 2 hours.
      You can also drink your pu-erh tea before doing exercise. Reseaches shows that the catechinic acid in teas can help to enlarge the effection of doing workout to burn fat.

  • dm

    I read an article that puerh tea will help an individual to lose weight quickly. The article also said that two cups of tea while eating the meal is recommended.Also that splenda and lemon can be added to a cup of tea.Can you please advise? My other question deals with using tea bags. I bought 12 tea bags for $9.00.One box was jasmine flavor, the other bold flavor.Can these be used to help with weight loss?

    • TeaVivre

      We suggest not to drink pu-erh tea or any other tea during meal, because tea liquid will thin your stomach juice, which will affect digestion. If you happen to suffer a dyspepsia at the time, then drinking tea when eating may cause worse symptom. For adding splenda and lemon into pu-erh tea you mentioned, I guess the article recommends this because splenda or lemon can bring better taste to the tea. It may be ok for new pu-erh drinker, but it will influence the tea’s weight loss effect due to extra sugar absorbed. So if you take the tea for only losing weight purpose, it is not suggested to add splenda and lemon in it.
      For your second question, usually the tea leaves in tea bags are smashed into small pieces, thus it could not confirm the tea’s quality. So it is not certain if the pu-erh tea bags are that much helpful for weight loss, comparing to normal pu-erh cakes or bricks. Yet you can drink it either. It could help more or less.

  • I just need a bit of clarity. Is it fine to drink the tea BEFORE you eat as well as AFTER you eat? Is it my understanding that the reason it could cause you to gain weight if you drink it before is because you will have an increased appetite? Is it one hour before and after?

    • TeaVivre

      Dear May, to drink the puerh before you eat indeed will increase you appetite because it helps digestion, at the same time the weight-loss-benefitial substance is also working in your body. So it requires a strong control of appetite if drink before meal. Normally, it is suggested to drink it one hour after meal.

  • Vel

    My question is. I recently purchased a box of pu-erh tea bags distributed by Prince of Peace company with Chinese writing on it. Perhaps that is a marketing tool to draw customers to purchase it. I was reading in one of your recent comments and you indicated that this tea does not come in a tea bag form. So, what did I purchase. Will a health food store have the raw kind? And, will the tea bags that I have have the same weight loss benefit as the raw. I purchased a box of 100 and need to use them.

    • TeaVivre

      Hi Vel, the tea you bought should be pu-erh. But I can’t say whether it is of the right quality. Because for Pu-erh teas, it is better to be made into cake or brick shape for its unique processing. The compressed appearance can make sure the tea’s flavor and taste be remained, and can help the leaves continueing to ferment under the natural condition. Considering this, the tea bag pu-erh is not able to continue the fermentation, as well as restrain its original flavor. Thus its benefit of losing weight may be less than the original compressed puerh. Yet you can still drink the tea.
      If you want to purchase compressed raw pu-erh, you can search in your local tea shop. It may not be available in a food store. If you cannot find it locally, then an online shopping would be suggested.

  • hi!!where can get Pu-er tea from….

    • TeaVivre

      Hi shivani, You can buy puerh teas from our site TeaVivre.com. We have various kinds of pu-erh tea available for purchase, including raw pu-erh and ripened pu-erh. You can have a look: https://www.teavivre.com/pu-erh-tea/

  • Hi , I am breastfeeding . Can I drink pureh tea ?

    • TeaVivre

      Hello Pavi, it is not suggest to drink pu-erh tea, or any other kind of strong teas during the period of breast-feeding. Because too much tannic acid or a little amount of caffeine will affect the baby’s health. So if you want to drink tea, it’s better to drink very very light teas, such as white tea or green tea, and better not to drink too much.

  • I read if you drink puerh tea to lose weight you shouldn’t have any other drink can I drink water in between drinking the tea and 1 cup of coffee will this hinder me losing weight

    • TeaVivre

      Hello Laurie, it is better not to take other drinks when you are having pu-erh tea for weight loss purpose, such as coffee. But water is out of this limitation because pure water don’t contain sugar or any other elements that may influence your weight loss effection.

  • Thank you, just purchased the Fengging Raw..Tuocha. I’ll be sure to touch back with you, thanks for your help.

    • TeaVivre

      My pleasure. Hope you enjoy the tea 😀

  • Hello,

    When I asked if a pu-erh blend would work I meant purchased as a blend. I’m not mixing it with juices etc. I have found a pu-erh blend containing the rosehip, oolong etc.

    Thanks Again 🙂

    • TeaVivre

      This kind of blend pu-erh tea is not recommended for weight loss. It could be a very nice tea for relaxing, but it will bring extra carbohydrate into your drink. So it’s better to take pure Pu-erh.

  • Like a few others i’m confused, drinking Pu-erh tea is better to drink before meals or after? Or doesn’t it matter? I have alot of weight to lose, like 60-70lbs. Will drinking this tea work for me? Also I’m on adipex weight loss med. Is it ok to drink this tea and adipex together?
    Thank You

    • TeaVivre

      Hi Karen. It is better to drink pu-erh tea after meal. But it is ok to drink it before meal yet you need a very strong control of appetite in case the tea makes you feel hungry. If you drink a cup of Pu-erh tea after each meal every day, and stop to take any other sugary drinks and high-calorie foods, in the mean time do proper exercises often, you will see the weight decreasing. However, please do not take pu-erh tea together with adipex, or any other kinds of diet pills. The weight-loss-effective substance in pu-erh tea, like tea polyphenol and catechinic acid, will be restrained by the chemical element in pills. On the other hand the tea also influences the pill’s effect.

  • Will a pu-erh blend work as well. Example, pu-erh blended with oolong, rosehip peels,pieces of apple,strawberry,beetroot..mint
    Thank You

    • TeaVivre

      Hi Luraellen. If you drink Pu-erh teas for weight loss purpose, it is not suggested to blend or mix other beverages or fruits with it, because carbohydrate and other substances may affect its effection of losing weight.

  • where do I purchase raw pu-erh tea?? I am anxious to start losing weight but cant find the tea.

  • Where can I find PU-erh tea bags. I live in Brownsville Texas. Which is better the leaf or the tea bag and which on is better for weight lost.

    • TeaVivre

      Hello Laura, Pu-erh tea is normally made into cake shape. So it doesn’t have tea bags. Pu-erh cakes is theoretically better for weight loss because the effective substances for losing weight are maitained in larger amount in cakes. Pu-erh tea has two kinds: the raw and the ripened. Raw pu-erh has stronger effects on losing weight, but it is lightly stimulating for stomach. So if you don’t have a strong stomach, it is better to drink ripened pu-erh tea for losing weight, which is also helpful for weight loss.

  • I have a question if i would like to drink pu erh and oolong in the same time what is thebest way?i heard that oolong in the morning and pu erh after meal???thank you

    • TeaVivre

      Hello Renata. You can drink oolong in the morning or before meal, and pu-erh after meal, which may help to lose weight in better effect. But it differs from different people. Some people may have obvious loss on weight but some may not. And more, if you are not a requent tea drinker, you may get drunk by drinking two different kinds of tea in a short time. And the most important thing is losing weight needs time and patience. It is better to drink tea for a long time, in the mean time take exercises.

  • i want to loose some weight, i been trying many teas in the market, but nothing. i have a strong stomach and a slow metabolism. what tea you recomend?

    • TeaVivre

      You can try pu-erh tea then. But drinking pu-erh tea to lose weight is a slow process and need your long-tern persist. You can keep drinking it as a habit everyday. And you said you have a strong stomach and a slow metabolism, you can try raw pu-erh, which has stronger effection on losing weight.

  • I am a little confused on all the sites I read it says to take Pu-erh Tea 1 hour after eating for best results but you are saying to take it before a meal. Can you please clarify?

    • TeaVivre

      Actually both ways will work. But if you drink it before meals, it will be more stimulating for stomach. So if your stomach is not strong or healthy enough, it’s better to drink the pu-erh tea after a meal.

  • hi my name is chandni and i had a thyroid problem in which i have gained my weight a lot… so what should i do to reduce weight. plz tell in brief…


    • TeaVivre

      Hello Chandni, very sorry to hear that. Hope you are well now. And for your concern of losing your weight, because it is a pathological gaining on weight, I suggest you to ask your doctor for more professional and rational advices of how to lose weight, or is it good to drink tea to lose weight in your case. Sorry that we can do nothing but only wish you more healthy.

  • i want to loose weigh started pu erh tea but cant drink an hour before breakfast..is porridge ok to eat with it..i drink it at lunch on its own then im ready for dinner am i doing good so far.

    • TeaVivre

      We suggest you to seperate your meal and pu-erh. If it’s not possible to drink the pu-erh tea before breakfast, you can drink it an hour after taking the porridge. It’s the same for lunch and dinner.

  • SD

    You said to drink pu erh tea in the morning but not to eat. Breakfast is the most important meal because it jump starts your metabolism..I can’t skip that meal or ill be grumpy all day, what should I do? Drink pu erh after I have breakfast?

    • TeaVivre

      Thank you for questioning. The information in the pargraph was indeed confusing. We will modify it into a clearer one.

      You can just drink the tea before having your breakfast. That is the originnal meaning we want to express, pu-erh tea first and breakfast second. And sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Does Puerh tea have caffeine or a stimulant like caffeine in it?

    • TeaVivre

      There is caffeine existing in Pu-erh tea, but with only a small amount lower than 10%. Pu-erh tea is stimulant but it is not stimulating as coffee.

  • I tried this tea a year ago BEFORE i began my annual spring tighten up for summer. I HAVE NOT BEEN TO THE GYM SINCE!!! I was a major coffee person and quit since the caffiene is on a crack level (awesome!)

    • TeaVivre

      Thank you:)

  • On the website it says that for best results in loosing weight is best to drink it an hr after a meal.. But I’m reading some of the comments and you said it’s better to drink before.. But it says that if you drink before a meal its to make you hungry.. I want it to loose weight .. Can you please explain? Thank you.

    • TeaVivre

      If drinking before meal, it will make people hungry. Meanwhile, please do not increase the appetite. Then, drinking again an hour after meal. Making hungry will consume more fat. Thank you.

  • Hi am Naresh.lwant to lose weight.al

    got cholestrol.h.which.is the best.tea to use please reply.

    • TeaVivre

      For your question, if you have a strong stomach, we recommend the raw Pu-erh tea. If not, ripened one is a better choice.

  • is pu-erh tea black?
    or a sort on it’s own?

    • TeaVivre

      Pu-erh tea is not black, but a sort of it’s own.

  • Hi! Can I drink Puerh all day?
    And is puerh green, white (probably not), black or a sort on it’s own because of de pile fermintation?

    • TeaVivre

      Yes, but i think it is better that drinking some water besides Pu-erh tea. Pu-erh tea is a sort on it’s own because of making craftwork and fermentation classification are differen from other teas.

  • Can you take L-carntine with your pu-erh tea. L-carntine is a supplement for fat burner as Well. Can you tell me can you take any kind of weight loss supplement with pu-erh teas.

    • TeaVivre

      We always suggest that to drink pu-erh tea and some other drink in a different time, though L-carnitine is good for losing weight and has an obvious effect on it. You can arrange your diet and beverage as you want. To be healthier and stronger, I suggest you can take more excercises and sports as well.

  • eva

    I started drinking pureh tea bags 1hr.after meals can I drink a tea before bed time

    • TeaVivre

      It will effect your sleep more or less. And the good way is drinking after meal. Thank you.

  • JKAIA1 Really enjoyed this post.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing.

    • TeaVivre

      Thanks for your support.

  • I’m so confused, i want to know if to drink it after a meal or before a meal to loose weight quickly with a diet and exercise early in the morning.

    I bought a net wt. 0.07oz(2g) tea bags from Chinese store how much of water should i use? since in the package says something different.

    • TeaVivre

      Before a meal is better. For 0.07oz(2g) tea, we recommend about 1.5oz water. Thank you.

  • Can you drink any other type of hot tea inbetween drinking pu-erh? You say you can’t drink any other beverages, but you have to be able to drink something else.

    • TeaVivre

      Sorry, we do not mean that only drink pu-erh the whole day. Just drinking Pu-erh tea all throughout the day without adding any other Chinese tea or drinks to diet besides Pu-erh tea ideally, which do this the weight loss effects will be the most noticeable. Of course, you can drink other teas.

  • give me the best kind of greentea to loose wieght with good teaste and easy to make. Ido not like the compressed type I brefer the dry leaves.

    • TeaVivre

      For your question, we recommend the Tai Ping Hou Kui Green Tea or Dragon Well Green Tea. Thank you.

  • i have been having this tummy promble for so long, i have taken different kinds of teas to lose my tummy fast.but the tummy keep increasing,if i take the pu-erh tea will it lose the tummy

    • TeaVivre

      Tea is not diet pill. It can not lose your tummy 100%. And the key is taking exercise. Best way is away computer, away potato couch, away fried foods, and keep a rational eating & training habit. Thank you.

  • i have a very quick question i am wondering wich pu-erh tea is better to use so i can lose all this baby fat i still have???

    • TeaVivre

      You don’t need to worry about the baby fat 🙂 Usually baby fat will disappear by themselves as time goes by, so there is no need to lose them on purpose. But you can lose them by exercise, diet or other ways. To keep a rational eating & training habit will be good to you. If you want to lose the baby fat by drinking tea, you can choose any kind of pu-erh on our site. Because every of them is helpful for weight loss.

  • I am in the midst of purchasing Pu-erh tea. I want to loose weight. Can I just buy one kind say Yunnan Golden Pu-erh loose leaf Tea and drink the tea about 1 hour after each meal which I eat very light at all 3 meals and do exercises, will that be good enough to loose weight?

    • TeaVivre

      Yes, good dieat habit and excercise is good for helping lose weight.

  • did anyone here try heilbarfe but didnt excersise and still lost weigh anyone plz response i just started and but i only drink the morning shakes and i eat a regular dinner but just cut back a little and a healthy snack later on and drink lots of water oh and i dont really wanna call it excersise i just dance silly with my baby sis for about 30 minutes and i dont do it everyday i also go outside to the park and stores alot so can anyone plz help ?

    • TeaVivre

      The pu-erh tea is not diet pills, so we use it to lose weight impossibly. Just help you lose weight. The more exercise, the better and lose quicker.

  • Pam

    I am trying to lose weight in 1 month so if i start using pu erah tea,will i be able to see the results?

    • TeaVivre

      We recommend that more than 1 month, some months will be better. And keep doing some exercise.

  • great info, but am still a little confused as to the exact times to drink it. before or after a meal because i know dr.oz mentioned something about taking it before breakfast and you said it could have weight gaining effects if taken before so after is better. whats the best time , please? i’m enjoying the tea so far 🙂

    • TeaVivre

      For your question about drinking time, if you drink it before breakfast, will cause you hungry very quickly, and you will eat more on breakfast. So you maybe gain weight. However, if you do not increase the eating on breakfast, although you feel very hungry when you drink before breakfast. You will lose weight quickly.

  • Leo

    Hey there, sorry about the ignorant question but what’s the difference between fresh and cooked tea?

  • Give me a good recipe for the diet teas. I have all that Dr. Oz recommended and need the best combination to follow.

    • TeaVivre

      The better way for adults is drinking 2000ml~3000ml water every day, and 12g~18g tea one day. Of course, if you choose the proper time to drink pu-erh tea is also help the effects of weight loss. For example:
      100ml water, 6g pu-erh tea, hot water(100℃) blew tea for 30 seconds, and drink it before breakfast.
      100ml water, 6g pu-erh tea, hot water(100℃) blew tea for 30 seconds, and drink it before lunch.
      50ml water, hot water(100℃) blew tea for 60 seconds, and drink it after lunch about 60 minutes( use the tea which we have drinked before lunch).
      50ml water, 6g pu-erh tea, hot water(100℃) blew tea for 30 seconds, and drink it after dinner about 60 minutes.

      you will feel hungry after drinking pu-erh teas, so please do not increase the food intake. At this time, drinking pu-erh teas.
      However, pu-erh tea is not like diet pills. You need to keep this drinking tea habit for a long time.

  • I am confussed, which one is the right Pu-erth tea that i need to drink ,the one specific for weight lose or any?, the ones in bags or the wheel

    Please, I am waiting for answers.

    Thank you.

    • TeaVivre

      Every kind of pu-erh tea has the same weight loss function basically. We recommend that if you do not have a strong stomach, raw pu-erh is not good for you. But ripened pu-erh teas can protect your digestive system.

  • i have pu erh tea bags. 2 g. each will this be alright to use in weight loss try?

    • TeaVivre

      We think that 6g pu-erh tea is better. And for 50ml-100ml water.

  • deb

    i want to lose 10 pounds i try to eat a healthy diet and do some exercise today i started taking the choclate pu-erh tea am i doing the right thing please let me know

    • TeaVivre

      Quite correct. I recommend that you should do some exercise everyday. Thank you.

  • Will Puerh tea have the same effect if I brew it and the drink it over ice?

    • TeaVivre

      Yes, you are right. But we still recommend that if your stomach is not good, do not drink it over ice.

  • The information on your site will help alot of people.Keep up the good work. https://weightlossinfonews.com

    • TeaVivre

      Thank you for your support.

  • Will the puerh tea cause you to get rid of waste material more than your normal routine aiding in weight loss

    • TeaVivre

      Yes, pu-erh can take some waste material away from your body, but just a little efficacy.

  • Pam

    I have purchased the Pu Erh Tuo Cha Rosettes do I really have to drink the leaves? they are horrible

    • TeaVivre

      Sorry, you do not need to drink the leaves, only drink the tea water. Something effective weight loss is in the tea water, please ignore the “horrible” leaves.

  • how many ounces of tea leaves do i used for 8 ounces of water?

    • TeaVivre

      For 8 ounces of water, we recommend 0.35 ounces.

  • does it matter how long it take to drink the tea. somtime it take me a hour to drink the tea.

    • TeaVivre

      It’s up to you. The process of drinking tea can relax your mood, adjust your mind. Thank you.

  • If I make extra pu-erh tea, can I refrigerate the rest and drink it later, cold? How long is it good for when chilled? Does it still have its beneficial effects cold?

    • TeaVivre

      Yes, you can refrigerate the rest and drink it later, cold is ok too. We recommend that do not keep a long time when chilled, the shorter time, the fresher. Yes, the beneficial effects is still in it when it is cold.

  • I bought Breville tea maker in June and orderd pu-erh and also a white tea. my cholestrol has dropped by half since my last labs in April. Zetia prescribed in April but doctor says it wouldn’t drop it that much. Do you think the teas is what did it?

    • TeaVivre

      Drinking pu-erh tea to lose weight needs some time. Please do not be impatient. Hold on some time. Thank you.

  • sue

    can children under 12 drink puerh tea? because i gave my daughters, 7 & 10year to drink this tea.

    • TeaVivre

      yes, child can drink puerh tea. Puerh tea is suitable for all ages. But for different ages the using of the dry tea should be in different amount. For children, please use less teas than adult’s. Do not give them strong tea.

  • Can you give us the measurmentss for amt. of tea and water in oz. and tea bags. It’s confusing for me. I now know to drink pu-erh after breakfast and White tea before lunch.Am I right?) I then have the chickweed and dandelion tea to use (alternate) in the afternoon and have bilberry or cinnamon in the evening.
    Do I drink the white tea after lunch and the bilberry or cinnamon after or before dinner?

    • TeaVivre

      There are some details about the measurments in every pu-erh teas products page on our site, we think that the details will be helpful for you. You said you drunk many kinds of teas, we recommend that you need not to drink complex, just drink simply.

  • I have been mixing my pu erh loose tea with yerba mate mocha mint loose tea for the flavor …. will this effect the pu erh tea ?
    Also is this not a contradiction to what u have been posting .. eg drinking tea after breakfast ??

    you wrote ..
    100ml water, 6g pu-erh tea, hot water(100℃) blew tea for 30 seconds, and drink it before breakfast.

    • TeaVivre

      We recommend that you separate to drink pu-erh tea and yerba mate mocha mint loose tea. Before breakfast: In the article, we wrote:”before you eat a meal it will cause the opposite effect and can cause you to gain weight instead because when you drink Pu-erh tea before a meal it clears up the fat deposits in your body and any residue in the stomach so that it actually increases your appetite, causing you to eat more. ”
      And in the comment, we answered that if we drink before meal,we can also lose weight.(Mainly for breakfast)
      It looks like confused, but please notice that: if you do not increase the food intake, so the pu-erh tea works.

  • I have to lose 5-10 pounds.I have just started using the pu.erh and white combo. tea today. Dr. Oz suggested adding ginger and lemon juice. I can not take ginger, I am allergic to hot stuffs and can not take lemon, stomach sensitivity. Would that interfere with weight loss?
    I also have problem with sleep. ould all that stimulant gibe me more sleeplessness?
    Also I thought I did not need to change my diet, but it seems that I have to change it drastically. Wouldn’t i lose weight by just changing the diet, without the tea?
    I have normal to low blood pressure, would these tea lower my blood pressure more? My cholesterol level is very normal with Lipitor, would I need to stop the lipitor?

    Thanks for your help.

    • TeaVivre

      It does not have a big influence without ginger and lemon juice. The raw pu-erh tea will a little affect for your sleep, and ripened pu-erh tea is better. For your diet, we recommend that do not eat more, and do some exercise, it is necessary. And lipitor, we often says that the pu-erh tea is not diet pills, only plays a certain role in promoting your health and can not fully substitute for the drug. Thank you.

  • Nat

    Bought the tea in China and I was drinking it throughout the day, but hence eating normally. I need to change my doing now. I want to know if I can buy the tea online.

    Desperate to loose weight yet cant resist a good meal.

    Please help

    • TeaVivre

      Pu-erh tea can play a certain effect. But it will need a long time. If you really want to lose weight, please keep a good eating habits.

  • I’m drinking Pu-erh tea but i’m adding Apple Cider Vinegar and honey is that ok.

    • TeaVivre

      Yes, adding these, not only weight loss, but also adjust taste and beauty maintenance.

  • How soon after drinking pu erh will I begin to see result

    • TeaVivre

      The pu-erh tea is not diet pills and each person has different physique, so we can not give you a exact time. But a few months at least. We recommend that you do some exercise at the same time. Thank you.

  • What is the different between pu-erh tea and white tea…. I really need an advice I need to lose weigh please help

    • TeaVivre

      The white tea belongs to slightly fermented tea, pu-erh tea belongs to fermented tea. And white tea’s Tea Polyphenols is less than pu-erh tea’s. So pu-erh tea is better than white tea for lose weight.

  • Yes

    Hello again, I have been drinking 8 cups of pu erh tea per day for about two weeks to loose weight and I think that it is giving me heartburn. Is that possible? Should I drink less?

    • TeaVivre

      As we told you before, everyone has a different physique. So we can not decide that the 8 cups for you per day is better or not. We recommend that when you feel something wrong for your stomach, please drink less or consult the doctor.

  • I’ve been drinking Pu-erh (Numi) with my breakfast. I got the Woman’s World magazine and article with Dr. Oz does not state that you should drink it witin one hour after a meal or you will gain weight. I took Lipozene (100) doses for about 3 months and I not only didn’t loose weight, I gained weight without increasing food intake.
    I only started taking the Pu-erh tea for three days now. What is the best time to drink the Pu-erh in the morning? I also added the white tea, but made it separately and drink that late morning and early afternoon because of the caffiene. Help. I don’t want to gain weight.

    • TeaVivre

      We recommend that do not drink pu-erh tea and white tea at the same time. The best time to drink pu-erh: before breakfast. And for the drinking after meal, in common, after about 1 hour is a better way.

  • I would like to know if I take the pu-erh tea and white tea together will they help me lose weight. I feel that I haven’t lost any weigh and I have been taking the tea for at least three months. Please help me because i am determine to lose weight. I have noticed that my energy has picked up and i am not thristy as much. I boil to 8 oz cups of water with my teas and pour them in a big bottle and drink it all day while i work. Am i doing something wrong. please help me. i am really ashame of my weight and need sever help.

    • TeaVivre

      We recommend that do not drink pu-erh tea and white tea at the same time, and should need some time to rest then drink white tea after you drink pu-erh. And the pu-erh is not diet pills, so it needs a long time to lose weight. For a better way, you should do some exercise.

  • A little confused,drinking Dr. oz teas correctly but gaining weight, also counting calories 1500 a day still gaining weight. whats wrong?

    • TeaVivre

      Could you please tell us do you often do some exercise? we recommend that not only drink pu-erh tea, but also do some exercise. This is the better way.

  • yes

    Thank you.

  • yes

    Hello, ok I’m a little confused. I bought 12 year pu ehr cake tea. I was told to drink 8 cups a day. Is that too much? I read an article that said to only drink 2 cups per day. I want to loose weight. What is the proper way? When will i notice results? Once i achieve my goal how much tea should i drink? Thank you

    • TeaVivre

      We also think 8 cups is enough. Proper way: proper time drink pu-erh tea(you can see some details answer from us on this article), and keep doing some exercise. This is not like diet pill which may only need a short time. Drinking puerh needs a long term, I am sorry that I can not give you the exactly time, because each person has a different physique, so how much tea depends on your body. You can try it 8 cups everyday.

  • But u never answered the above question? I also am trying to follow doctor Oz’s 8 cups of water with 8 oz pu-erh tea and 8 oz white tea. Chilled and stored in the fridge for a two day supply. Is that a good way of drinking it? I really have a hard time drinking teas hot would rather have it cold. And also while eating I have to drink something can’t I drink water and then a hour later drink the tea?

    • TeaVivre

      We recommend that do not drink pu-erh tea and white tea at the same time, and should need some time to rest then drink white tea after you drink pu-erh. Chilled and stored in the fridge is a good way, but we still recommend to choose hot tea. And drinking tea after eating an hour later is better for your stomach, because while eating to drink something will dilute gastric juice, then something bad will affect your stomach.

  • I have one additional question.
    Dr Oz in the Woman’s Day Article mentioned that the tea is to be steeped for 5 mins. Yet the article mentions that Pu-erh tea should only be brewed for 60 seconds. Which is correct.

    Thanks again for your help.

    • TeaVivre

      Thanks for your valuable advice of our article. We suggest not to drink mixed teas because they are produced in different crafting methods. If you mix them together when drinking, the original flavor and aroma of each will be impacted. Besides, though tea can help to lose weight, it needs a long time of persist. To have a good habit of drinking tea also takes an important place for your weight loss.
      If not take it serious it doesn’t matter whether you drink teas after meal or before meal, even with meal as many western people do, but teavivre suggest not drink within an hour after your meal because the stomach will secretes acids to help digest when you are eating. The digest will last for half an hour or more. If you drink teas immediately after a meal, acids in your stomach will be thinned by the tea soup, which will affect digest and leads to a negative effect for your health.

  • This is interesting because Dr. OZ actually published in the Womens’s Day Magazine an article discussing drinking teas for weight loss. In this article, he recommends 16 Oz Pu-Erh tea in the AM, 16 Oz White tea for lunch, Dandolin tea for dinner and Cinnimon tea for later in the PM. OR He recommends boiling 8 cups of water and adding
    8 Pu-erh tea bags & 8 White tea bags with ginger slices & lemon juice as the ultimate fat burning tea. He recommends 16 Oz of this blend in the AM and at lunch to replace the
    16 Oz Pu-erh tea in the AM & 16 Oz White tea at lunch. Yet your article states that mixing teas like this decreases the weight loss effect of
    Pu-erh tea. Which is correct?
    Also, he states that this is to be drunk with breakfast, lunch and dinner while this article states that Pu-erh tea should be drunk 1 Hour after a meal. Which is correct?
    Also, the article states that ONLY
    Pu-erh tea is to be drunk (ie: not even water is to be drunk). Doesn’t the body need Water to function properly? Wouldn’t you get dehydrated since drinks like tea, etc do not realy hydrate you? I know that when I drink tea or other dirnks, I still feel thirsty and need water to remain properly hydrated.

    Please advise.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    • TeaVivre

      Thanks for your valuable advice of our article. We suggest not to drink mixed teas because they are produced in different crafting methods. If you mix them together when drinking, the original flavor and aroma of each will be impacted. Besides, though tea can help to lose weight, it needs a long time of persist. To have a good habit of drinking tea also takes an important place for your weight loss.
      If not take it serious it doesn’t matter whether you drink teas after meal or before meal, even with meal as many western people do, but teavivre suggest not drink within an hour after your meal because the stomach will secretes acids to help digest when you are eating. The digest will last for half an hour or more. If you drink teas immediately after a meal, acids in your stomach will be thinned by the tea soup, which will affect digest and leads to a negative effect for your health..

  • First you said drink the tea an hour after a meal, but in a reply to a comment you said drink it before. . .which one is more effective?

    • TeaVivre

      Sorry for bring you some misunderstanding.
      In the article, we wrote:”before you eat a meal it will cause the opposite effect and can cause you to gain weight instead because when you drink Pu-erh tea before a meal it clears up the fat deposits in your body and any residue in the stomach so that it actually increases your appetite, causing you to eat more. ”
      And in the comment, we answered that if we drink before meal,we can also lose weight.(Mainly for breakfast)
      It looks like confused, but please notice that: if you do not increase the food intake, so the pu-erh tea works.

  • I have diverticulitis how will the tea diet effect my digestive system.

    • TeaVivre

      We commend that you drink the ripened pu-erh teas, because it can protect your digestive system. But the raw pu-erh will be not good for who do not have a strong stomach.

  • how many tea bags can i use a day? if i drink 2 cups after meals, will i see results for weight loss faster?

    • TeaVivre

      The better way for adults is drinking 2000ml~3000ml water every day, and 12g~18g tea one day. Of course, if you choose the proper time to drink pu-erh tea is also help the effects of weight loss. For example:
      100ml water, 6g pu-erh tea, hot water(100℃) blew tea for 30 seconds, and drink it before breakfast.
      100ml water, 6g pu-erh tea, hot water(100℃) blew tea for 30 seconds, and drink it before lunch.
      50ml water, hot water(100℃) blew tea for 60 seconds, and drink it after lunch about 60 minutes( use the tea which we have drinked before lunch).
      50ml water, 6g pu-erh tea, hot water(100℃) blew tea for 30 seconds, and drink it after dinner about 60 minutes.

      you will feel hungry after drinking pu-erh teas, so please do not increase the food intake. At this time, drinking pu-erh teas.
      However, pu-erh tea is not like diet pills. You need to keep this drinking tea habit for a long time.

  • I bought 8 Year Old Pu-erh at a tea shop in Chinatown SF. Ive been drinking it hot after each meal. Ive read that some people drink it iced. Does it have the same effects?

    • TeaVivre

      Almost no difference, but the hot is better for your intestines and stomach.

  • I was told that I have high blood pressure, I’ am currently taking medication for it. Will I have any side affects from drinking the tea throughout the day and taking a pill before bed?

    • TeaVivre

      Yes, you can. But not drink them at the same time. For example, You took a pill at 7:00 o’clock in one morning. After 2 hours later, or more, you can enjoy your cup of pu-erh tea.

  • if you mix this with regular pekoe tea will it still give you the same benefits?

    • TeaVivre

      It will.

  • I am lossing weight but I need to know is Does it affect my bowels. It seems that I have to go alot and it is very loose is that the fat leaving my system

    • TeaVivre

      If you want to lose weight by drinking Pu-erh, Raw tea is better to choose. Raw Pu-erh tea acts much more effective in weight loss, but it will affect stomach. While Ripe Pu-erh can protect your stomach and other digest organs. So if you have a strong stomach, you can drink only Raw pu-erh for a better effect of losing weight. If not, you can drink Raw tea and Ripe tea together, to decrease the harm to your stomach. And both of the two methods need to be taken for a long time, but not be taken a large amount of. If you drink too much, it may affect sleep, and even do harm for your digest system. It’s better to be rational. To keep a good habit of eating and drinking tea will make it easier. As it is the good bacteria in Pu-erh teas that works in weight loss, while it works slow, you will not see the change of your body weight immediately. But if you can keep long-term drinking, Pu-erh tea can perform well of losing weight while does good to your health.

  • Can u take with meds does it have ginko or ginseng ? I want to buy but some teas I can’t cause of ingredients do u know ingredients??

    • TeaVivre

      Thank you for asking. There are no ginko or ginseng in it. Puerh is made of fresh tea leaves.

  • Where can i buy this tea? and i saw Dr.Ozs diet drink weight loss plan also …


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