A New Superfine Dragon Pearl Green Tea is Online Now

Dragon Pearl green tea is a deliciously sweet green tea that combines the absolute highest quality tea with a sweet jasmine aroma and taste. Completely hand crafted into small pearls, this tea is amazing to drink and watch as it brews.

TeaVivre pay attention to the different request of our customers when we are riching the varieties of our products. We provide this new Superfine Jasmine Downy Dragon Pearl Green Tea , which are also the spring tea.

Compared with our Premium Jasmine Dragon Pearls Green Tea, This Superfine Jasmine Dragon Pearls Green Tea is more deliciously sweet green tea. It combines the absolute highest quality green tea with a jasmine aroma and taste. Made from unopened bud and small leaf, this tea hand rolled into small balls, which slowly unfurl during brewing, releasing an amazing taste and aroma combination of green tea and sweet jasmine. Brewing a cup of this sweet, fragrant tea only requires a few tiny pearls!

To View Our Superfine Jasmine Downy Dragon Pearls Green Tea

What is the scenting

Scenting makes use of the good adsorption properties and aroma –release ability of tea leaves and prompts tea leaves to absorb the fragrant smell of jasmine and layer the taste. In this way, the beverage not only has jasmine flavor but also has white tea flavor and the taste has been prompted.

Introduction to the process of scenting
Piecing tea flowers together- piling – -baking- cooling – – binning

Piling is the most important step in scenting. The control of temperature is very significant. If it is too cold, the tea leaves cannot completely absorb the fragrant smell of jasmine; if it is too hot, the tea leaves will be burned.

We provide 15% discount for new tea until June 30

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