How to Judge Whether Tea Has Expired

Tea has a shelf life, but it is related to the variety of tea. Different teas have different shelf life. Drinking tea is good for our health, but drinking expired tea will do harm to our health. So how to judge whether tea has expired and what are the magical functions of the expired tea? Let’s see it together!

Shelf Life of Tea

Do you know the shelf life of different tea? Here we simply introduce the different shelf life of different teas. Hope this is helpful to you.

Aged white tea

The term aged white tea refers solely to these white teas which have been stored for a long period of time (10-20 years). They are abundant in phytochemicals and valuable for both drinking and collecting.

The Storage of Tea

The proper storage of tea is of the utmost importance, as tea which is improperly stored will go stale or rancid much faster, or can accumulate impurities that both alter the flavor and aroma and can also harm the body. Therefore it is very important to learn how to properly store your teas so that they remain as fresh, clean and flavorful as possible.