Many people think white tea processing is simple with only withering and drying. However, the withering process of white tea is not simply reducing water content. It requires a series of changes in its internal components caused by the gradual water loss. The changes in cell fluid concentration, and activation of various enzymes under certain external temperature and humidity conditions. To retain the active enzymes and tea polyphenols in the tea to a greater extent. Therefore it forms the unique quality of white tea.
When weather allows, it is great to take sun withering. Fresh tea leaves are evenly and thinly spread on bamboo board. Then it is placed under sunlight for natural withering.
With the sun withering, the tea gets a slower and more natural transformation. Producing a taste reminds of sunlight.
Indoor withering is common when it is not a sunny day. Fresh tea leaves are evenly and thinly spread on board. Withering under the natural ventilation and temperature indoor to reduce moisture content. The requirement for the thickness of tea spreading is strict, as well as control of temperature and humidity. If the tea leaves are put too thin, they will dry too fast. Then the transforming of the contents in the tea leaves is not sufficient. The white tea produced will have bitter taste, and the transformation will be slower during aging. If the tea leaves are put too thick, it will cause the temperature of the tea leaves too high. Then the oxidation rate of the substances inside the tea leaves will be too fast. The taste will be weak, and the tea will not be durable in brewing. Skilled tea workers, based on years of experience, can effectively control the thickness of tea leaves during withering, as well as well control of temperature and humidity.