Porcelain Teapot – A Type of Ceramic Teapot

Porcelain tea sets and pottery tea sets are the two categories of Ceramic tea sets. Porcelain tea set like the Porcelain teapot and gaiwan are popular choice to brew teas. They do not retain flavors from previous infusions and they are easy to clean.

Tea Etiquette

Imagine we invited someones for tea or we’ve been invited out for tea, what do we wear? what do we need to prepare?Enjoy our tea time by following these simple afternoon tea etiquette rules.

Should tea be stored in the refrigerator?

Friends who enjoy tea will undoubtedly be concerned about one question: how to keep my favorite tea leaves so as to preserve their quality and aroma. As we all know, tea should be kept in a dry, odor-free place away from direct sunlight. But, for certain teas, we may see that dealers advocate storing them in the refrigerator. Why is this case?

What is Fan Qing in Rock Tea?

When drinking the same tea at different times, the aroma and taste are suddenly different from the day you purchased it after a few months, and it also produces an astringent taste. This is very likely that the tea you drink got Fan Qing (返青).

TeaVivre Won 3 Golden Leaf Awards

It is with great pleasure to announce that TeaVivre has won 3 Golden Leaf Awards, including Nonpareil Ming Qian Meng Ding Gan Lu Green Tea, Taiwan Jin Xuan Milk Oolong Tea, and Fengqing Dragon Pearl Black Tea.

Meng Ding Gan Lu vs Bi Luo Chun

Everyone has heard of Bi Luo Chun and Meng Ding Gan Lu when it comes to green tea. They all have a curly, hairy look and have been named one of China’s top ten famous teas. So how do we distinguish between them?

How to Season a Nixing Pottery Teapot

Like Yixing and Jianshui Zitao teapots, Nixing clay teapots keep the tea reside fragrance in the teapot over time, so we recommend that the teapot be seasoned before they are used to brew tea.