The Influence of Water’s PH on Tea Liquor

The color of the tea liquor changed? The taste of the tea changed too? Have you considered it might be an issue with the water? Then you need to know the influence of water’s PH on tea liquor.

How To Tell If Your Tea Has Expired?

Like all foods and drinks, tea can expire or go bad over time. Therefore, is it safe to consume recently expired tea? And how to tell if your tea has expired?

Matcha vs. Green Tea Powder

What’s the difference between matcha and green tea powder, and why is matcha so expensive while green tea powder is cheap?

En Shi Yu Lu Green Tea

En Shi Yu Lu Green Tea is the most comprehensive steamed green tea, retaining the steaming technology common throughout the Tang and Song Dynasties.

Various Types of Jasmine Teas from TeaVivre

Learn how to choose the best Jasmine Green Teas for you. Explore craftsmanship and characteristics in jasmine teas: all the things you want to know about different Jasmine teas. The jasmine from different regions exhibits distinct characteristics.

Should tea be stored in the refrigerator?

Friends who enjoy tea will undoubtedly be concerned about one question: how to keep my favorite tea leaves so as to preserve their quality and aroma. As we all know, tea should be kept in a dry, odor-free place away from direct sunlight. But, for certain teas, we may see that dealers advocate storing them in the refrigerator. Why is this case?

Meng Ding Gan Lu vs Bi Luo Chun

Everyone has heard of Bi Luo Chun and Meng Ding Gan Lu when it comes to green tea. They all have a curly, hairy look and have been named one of China’s top ten famous teas. So how do we distinguish between them?

Explore Magical Oriental Leaves- Mengding Tea

Since the Han and Tang Dynasties, Chinese tea and tea culture have gradually spread to East Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Europe along the ancient land and maritime Silk Roads, and they are called “magical oriental leaves”. In this article we just explore Mending Tea from Sichuan Province, China.

The Four Sub-categories of Green Tea

According to the fixation process, green tea can be divided into 4 subcategories: steamed, pan-fried, baked-dried, and sun-dried. Let’s have a quick look at the different processing styles that define the quality of a wonderful cup of green tea.