Pu’erh Tea — the Aged the Better?

People always say that aged pu’erh tea is drinkable antique. For green, black and oolong tea, we all prefer every year’s new teas, not only because of the fresh taste and aroma of new tea, but also because the best drinking period of these teas is relatively limited. But for pu’erh tea, many of us may choose three-year, five-year, ten-year or even older tea. A series of labels of pu’erh tea such as “the aged the better”, “the aged tea tastes better and more valuable” have been heard by both newcomers and experienced tea lovers. So, can pu’erh tea really be “the aged the better? What factors that determine this quality? Let’s discuss it together.

What Factors Cause an Infusion-enduring Tea?

Whether a tea can make multiple infusions is often one of the factors we evaluate a tea’s quality, but it is not an absolute factor. Different types of tea have different features, so there are actually many factors can decide whether a tea is infusion-enduring. Known about these factors can help us to estimate how many steeps a tea can be brewed.

Tea and Bamboo

Tea and Bamboo are the media for people to communicate with nature. Bamboo is a renewable resource, which can be used to make Bamboo tube tea or bamboo tea set.

How to Judge Whether Tea Has Expired

Tea has a shelf life, but it is related to the variety of tea. Different teas have different shelf life. Drinking tea is good for our health, but drinking expired tea will do harm to our health. So how to judge whether tea has expired and what are the magical functions of the expired tea? Let’s see it together!

What Do You Know About Yellow Tea?

Yellow tea is one of the six tea categories, which becomes increasingly rare in China. Then how much do you know about yellow tea? We will briefly introduce the yellow tea to you.

Why Some Expensive Teas Come Out “Weak” Taste?

The strong taste cannot represent the good quality of tea and the weak flavor also doesn’t mean worthless. Therefore a real good tea relies on its fullness and mellowness along with sweet, mouth-watering true aftertaste.

Comparing Spring Tea and Autumn Tea

There is a common saying “drink Spring tea for liquor texture and drink Autumn tea for fragrance”. This means that spring tea gives a very delicate and tender taste while autumn tea gives a better flavor.

Why Does Tea Have Sweet Aftertaste?

As we all know, tea is bitter in nature, but we still can taste its sweet aftertaste. This is not only due to the contrast of taste between the entrance and the aftertaste, and a series of complex transformations in our mouth, but also thanks to some specific substances in tea.